Godzillas kleiner Bruder / Godzilla's little brother ... DE / ENG

Ein Blick auf die aktuelle LMAC CHALLENGE
Schon die bisher ausgestellten Kunstwerke strotzen geradezu vor Einfallsreichtum und Fantasie, ein Augenschmaus und das wo ich beim betrachten des zur Bearbeitung freigegebenen Fotos zittrige Hände bekam und verzweifelt überlegte was man daraus machen könnte. von @shaka lässt erahnen, das dies eine sehr kreative Runde wird.

( A look at the current LMAC CHALLENGE
Already the artworks exhibited so far are bursting with ingenuity and imagination, a feast for the eyes and where I got shaky hands when looking at the photo released for editing and desperately thought about what I could do with it. ) by @shaka suggests that this will be a very creative round.


Ohne auch nur zu ahnen was meine Mitstreiter bereits erschaffen haben, probierte ich mich mal wieder an der infantilen, bewegten Kunst und ließ den kleinen Bruder von Godzilla durchs Bild schwimmen, der dort für ein wenig Aufregung sorgt.

( Without even suspecting what my comrades-in-arms have already created, I once again tried my hand at infantile, moving art and let Godzilla's little brother swim through the picture, causing a bit of a stir there. ) 😎


Ob dieser kleine Streich auch für die nötige Aufregung unter den Betrachtern sorgt, sei einmal dahingestellt, aber Spaß hat es gemacht dieses kindische Kunstwerk zu erstellen und trotz all der Seemonster nicht einen Tropfen Blut darin zu vergießen.
Liegt´s vielleicht am frühlingshaften Wetter, welches den Künstler milde stimmt, oder ist es die Brutalität mit der die selbsternannten Virenjäger das Volk in die Enge treibt, das sich der Meister einfach nur ein bisschen Frieden wünscht?
Fragen über Fragen, die ich nicht beantworten kann.

( Whether this little prank also provides the necessary excitement among the viewers, remains to be seen, but it was fun to create this childish work of art and despite all the sea monsters not shed a drop of blood in it.
Is it perhaps the spring-like weather that makes the artist mild-mannered, or is it the brutality with which the self-appointed virus hunters corner the people that the master simply wishes for a bit of peace?
Questions about questions, which I cannot answer. )

Auf die Frage aber was ich hier gerade treibe, findet ihr in den folgenden Links die Antwort!
( But to the question what I am doing here, you will find the answer in the following links! )


Wie immer erhielt ich tatkräftige Unterstützung von PIXABAY, ohne deren Angebot an frei zu verwendenden Bildern, ich als selbsternannter Collagen Künstler aufgeschmissen wäre.
So aber geht es fröhlich weiter und es wäre schön auch Dich mal begrüßen zu können, bei der #letsmakeacollage Challenge!

( As always, I received active support from PIXABAY, without whose offer of free-to-use images, I would be stuck as a self-proclaimed collage artist.
But so it goes merrily on and it would be nice to welcome you too, at the #letsmakeacollage Challenge! )

Euch schon mal ein schönes Wochenende und bis zum nächsten mal!
( I wish you a nice weekend and see you next time! ) 😎
hive biene.jpg


Eeks..Shark and a dragon! Love the animation.

Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
Here is also a !BEER for you. 😎

Thanks for the beer @muelli!

BEERHey @redheadpei, here is a little bit of from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Another exceptional work full of that unique style that characterizes you. Congrats.

Thank you very much and here a little !BEER to celebrate. 😎

BEERHey @aud-perez, here is a little bit of from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Cool, looks dangerous! Wish you good luck in the contest! 😎 👏

Thank´s alot, good luck for you too and of course a !BEER . 😎

BEERHey @seckorama, here is a little bit of from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hahahahahh sharks on hive are they really here 😂 love the animation. Always better as a still but I just don’t know how to do that in a good way
So great that you entered and I wish you good luck

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like my little animation.
Do you prefer to drink !BEER or !WINE? 😎

WINE.Cheers @muelli, Thank You For Inviting @brittandjosie To A Glass Of
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Total Purchase : 15461.850 WINE & Last Price : 0.280 HIVE

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BEERHey @brittandjosie, here is a little bit of from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Godzilla's little brother is a flower child :) A flower on his tale. To my mind, there is always a place for such clever 'infantile' art.

Good luck my friend. May your cheerful monster swim to a fortunate conclusion.

You put that so sweetly into words, thank you so much for that dear @agmoore! 😎

Viel Erfolg!

LG Michael


Vielen Dank und natürlich ein !BEER . 😎

BEERHey @mima2606, here is a little bit of from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

@mima2606 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@mima2606 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Keep up the good work!Your contribution was curated manually by @mima2606

Greetings friend that good animation Gozilla and the shark seems that they are going to fight. Good luck in the contest