Genau Ihr Lieben, wie auch ihr Bösen.
Die 76zigste LMAC CHALLENGE, die gigantische, kunterbunte Kunst Show von @shaka, hat begonnen und bis zum Montag hat ein Jeder die Gelegenheit, sein Werk dort auszustellen und mit etwas Glück den begehrten Kunstpreis abzuräumen.
Wenn Du genaueres erfahren möchtest, helfen dir die folgenden Links weiter! 😎
Exactly you dear ones, as well as your bad ones.
The 76th LMAC CHALLENGE, the gigantic, motley art show by @shaka, has begun and until Monday, everyone has the opportunity to exhibit their work there and, with a little luck, win the coveted art prize.
If you want to find out more, the following links will help you out!
Also bunt ging es ja wirklich zu in der letzten Runde.
Nicht nur meine kleinen Ostergrüße waren ungewöhnlich farbenfroh, auch die anderen Künstler legten los als hätten sie alle neue Buntstifte im Osternest gefunden.
Ein gewaltiges Farbenmeer umspülte meine müden Augen, die nach Orientierung suchten, sich dann aber doch in den bunten Wellen verloren.
Schon da beschloss ich, das mein nächstes Werk ein düsteres werden soll.
So it was colorful in the last round.
Not only my little Easter greetings were unusually colorful, but also the other artists started as if they had all found new crayons in the Easter nest.
An enormous sea of colors washed over my tired eyes, which we're looking for orientation, but then got lost in the colorful waves.
Even then I decided that my next work should be gloomy.
Auf den Geschmack gekommen und fantasierend in der Welt der Comics & alter Trash B movies unterwegs, spielte ich noch weiter mit dem Bildbearbeitungsprogramm und PIXABAY herum und mein Sieger, beziehungsweise Siegerinnen, waren geboren.
Having acquired the taste and fantasizing in the world of comics & old trash B movies, I played around with the image editing program and PIXABAY and my winner, were born.
Diese zwei finsteren Mädchen haben es mir angetan und daher schicke ich sie voraus, sich für das Große Finale zu bewerben.
These two sinister girls have done it to me and therefore I send them ahead to apply for the Grand Final.
Der Auslöser für diesen düsteren Beitrag, war dieses Foto.
The trigger for this gloomy post, was this photo. 😎
Ich hoffe Ihr hattet beim zuschauen, so viel Freude wie ich beim basteln.
Wenn nicht, vielleicht beim nächsten mal, wenn es wieder heißt, #letsmakeacollage!
I hope you had as much fun watching them as I did making them.
If not, maybe next time, when it is again, #letsmakeacollage!
Bis dahin!
Until then! 😎
Hi, as a lover of the genre, I love your collages and color.
It's a 80's style, my favorite is the 2nd one, it's a cross between the movie The Birds Alfred Hitchcock and the night of the living dead.
It can be used as a poster for a movie.
I am very pleased that you have found my black/white fun beautiful.
I actually had Hitchcock's Birds in mind.
Thank you very much and with pleasure a !BEER if you like. 😎
I love beers, thank you.
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.Hey @eve66, here is a little bit of
from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Ugh! Black and white. You scared me, @muelli. 😎 . Wish you luck in the contest!
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
Here is a calming !BEER for you.
Thank´s! 😎🍻
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.Hey @seckorama, here is a little bit of
from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.fascinante combinaciones de imágenes una escena muy tenebrosa
Gracias, ¡espero no haberte asustado!
Aquí hay una cerveza !BEER que da menos miedo.😎
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.Hey @angelis90, here is a little bit of
from @muelli for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Hello my friend @muelli,
Wow, you do horror well :)) Night of the Living Dead, Nesferatu, Birds: images from these classics fill my head when I look at your grisly collage. Wonderfully done. As always, your talent for dramatic effect is amazing.
Good luck my friend with this collage.
I'm honored dear @agmoore and glad you weren't startled when you saw this creepy black and white art.
Thank you very much and kind regards from me, from a colorful real little world without horror. 😎
🌈 🌟