LMAC FREESTYLE # 21 | The Fairy Tale's Border

Hello Everyone!
Today I practice on the theme of The Fairy Tale's Border. In this theme the 4 fairy who live together in the beautiful house who is in the magic world can be seen through the gate in the deep forest.The Duties of these fairies are to protect the magic world from the other world.



Here are the Complete Process for this Collage 🔃


Image Sources

Fairy green Small in Pixbay
Images by Dark Moon Art In Pixbay
Images By Hansuan Fabregas in Pixbay
Images in Pixbay
Images by tony241969 in Pixbay
Images In Pixbay
Images by anaterate In pixbay

My Previous Free Style Collages👇

Freestyle 20

Freestyle 19

Freestyle 18


@lmac 20%


Feels like entering into a fairy tale. Fantastic!

Be cautious, fairies are, at their duty line !!! 😂
Thanks for your lovely thoughts!