A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 140: The amusement park is coming / Esta llegando el parque de diversiones.

An amusement park is coming to town, the circus tent has not yet been set up, but some attractions have been installed. A family of dogs is curious, the brothers are laughing and a little girl kisses her mother lovingly.

Un parque de atracciones esta llegando al pueblo, todavia no se ha montado la carpa del circo, pero si se instalaron algunas atracciones. Una familia de perros siente curiosidad, los hermanos se rien y una niña besa amorosamente a su madre.

Hot air balloons abound before the arrival of the park and there is a glow in the sky that indicates that everyone will have fun. While the clowns rehearse their routines.

Los globos aerostáticos abundan ante la llegada del parque y hay un brillo en el cielo que indica que todos se divertiran. Mientras lo payasos ensayan sus rutinas.

This is my entry in the Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 140 - ✨172 HIVE in the prize pool!✨Link Here.

Esta es mi participación en la iniciativa Hagamos un collage - Un concurso para todos los creativos en Hive - Ronda 140 - ✨172 HIVE en la bolsa de premios!✨Link Aquí

Image provided by @shaka:

Imagen suministrada por @shaka:

From our LIL Library take:

De nuestra Biblioteca LIL tome:

Title:Masquerade 1

Link Here

Title:Carnival - Ferris Wheel - Side
Author: @donroberts

Link Here


Link Here


Link Here

Title:Carnival - Fun Slide - Side

Author: @donroberts

Link Here

Title:Torre de Salvavidas
Author: @bella76

Link Here

From Pixabay take:

De Pixabay tome:






A salute to all my fellow Let's Make a Collage members and a big thank you to @justclickindiva for her contribution to the community. The summer break is over. Good luck to all the talented participants!

Un saludo a todos mis compañeros de Let's Make a Collage y un gran agradecimiento a @justclickindiva por su contribución a la comunidad. Se acabo el descanso de verano!. Suerte a todos los talentosos participantes!


Wow! You brought the carnival to us. Such a festive, fun atmosphere. You transformed a barren landscape. Wonderful.

Thanks for using my image. Good luck this week, @nbarrios67

Thanks to you again for providing us with your images. I believe that here in the community in addition to using our skills and ingenuity to create value with our efforts we should have fun, as indeed we do. Best regards.

Un parque de divisiones siempre es una buena opción para que los niños se diviertan ,gracias por usar imágenes Lil

Hola @bella76. Gracias a ti por tus imagenes, y comentar. Un gran saludo.

Hello @nbarrios67. What a lovely and fun theme. I love amusement parks myself as I attended them with my kids when they were young. The rides always scared me. However, your scene makes the trip look wonderful with excitement and a lot of activities near the water.

Thanks for the mention. It was a pleasure to contribute to this contest round. And thanks for sharing your collage.

Take care.

Hi @justclickindiva.I worked three months at an amusement park, and got to enjoy all the rides. Some I liked very much and others were not very pleasant, it gave me vertigo and dizziness. In those places you work a lot, especially administratively and in the maintenance part. Thanks for commenting, best regards!

A lovely day for everyone at the amusement park. Thanks for including my image of the bulldog. 😊

Hi @redheadpei. I think I've taken a liking to that bulldog. Your images in the LIL Library are excellent and your collages are brimming with imagination. Best regards!

Beautiful collage, thank you for including my image

Hi @yudhee111, Thanks for appreciating the collage, it's a pleasure for me to use your image. Best regards!