I can't remember if I've said before - you really have a knack for making such beautiful animations. Done with so much passion for details. ππ
Awesome the way the protagonists react to each other. Great work!Hi @agmoore.
And once again, your LMAC post not only has beautiful animations we can enjoy, it was also super informative as usual.
Since a few years, it is said that there are bears in Germany from time to time again, too. To be honest, I am not yet prepared for such an encounter. It's still too nice there, at the top of the food chain.
Warm greetings :-) π
It really means a lot when I meet your standards. You are the top of the scale when it comes to collage perfection. I stay in my lane and do what I can. Have fun. Try hard. Try to express an idea and have the finished result be aesthetically acceptable. Telling a story comes naturally to me.
Thanks for your comment. Makes my day.
:-) Thank you very much for the laurels. However, I want to assure you that I do not have any standards.
I just totally love your animations. They are so passionately done.