Thank you.
I'm not an artist or much of a photographer, but I love creating digital art.
Please, help me to get rid of my confusion... What do we call a person who creates a piece of art? :-D
I'll try to find some decent ones to submit.
I'm excited and looking forward to it. :-)
I misspoke. I should have said I love creating digital drawings. Years ago, I understood a true artist to be a person who creates paintings and sculptures.
However, with arrival of the digital age, the term "artist" has been redefined as a person who creates any type of art. But then who's to determine what art is? I feel as though art is in the eye of the creator. May be treasure to one person; junk to another!
I've read where many professional artists beg to differ when referring to digital art, arguing that utilizing a program to help create a drawing is not really your own work.
I'm not trying to be an artist. Creating digital drawings is just fun and relaxing :)