LIL: Insects And Other Critters

in Let's Make a Collage3 years ago (edited)

The #LIL ( LMAC Image Library) is growing in leaps and bounds.

These are images I have photographed and would like to add to the LIL collection.

Grasshopper On Wall Grasshopper, Cricket, Insect
Grasshopper Grasshopper, Cricket, Insect
Bee On Flower Bee, Bumblebee, Honeybee, Flower
Bee With Nectar Sacs Bee, Honey Bee, Nectar, Flowers, Chives
Butterfly And Chives Butterfly, Swallowtail, Insect, Yellow, Chives, Pink
Monarch Butterfly Butterfly, Monarch, Insect
Hummingbird Moth Moth, Insect, Flowers, Chives
Black Moth Moth, Black, Insect, Flowers, Pink
Little Black Bug Insect, Bug
Spider Spider, Insect
Spider And Web Spider, Insect, Web, Spider Web
Caterpillar Caterpillar, Insect
Bug On A Rose Bug, Insect, Rose, Flower
Feather Feather, Bird Feather, Black

LIL gallery is a library of free images we are collecting for everyone on Hive to use. Check 👉 Herefor user information.

@lmac is 20% beneficiary of this post.



Nice, I have seen the Swallowtail butterfly, but never ever the Monarch in real life before. That's a really beautiful butterfly 😍
The LMAC library is getting bigger and bigger thanks to you, Jo 🤗

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Hannes, the Monarch is really beautiful. I don’t often see them. Here is one that landed on the floor of back deck during the summer.

Thanks dear Hannes for your wonderful support and the ecency points. Always appreciated!🤗


Lovely butterfly 😍

I get these points for my replies to you and others, so why not give something back from time to time ... it's always a pleasure, dear Jo 🤗🌞

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

great, all the pictures look very beautiful.

Thanks @idayrus. I appreciate the reblog.

You're Welcome brother 😊🤝

Small things in life that have been captured exceptionally well in the lens Jo.

Lovely to see the insects being top of the hit parade!

@tipu curate

Thanks so much Joan @joanstewart. The insects are the mainly unseen little workers on this planet.🐜🐝🕸

Love these collection you have @redheadpei The bees, butterfly and everything ✨🌞🌻🐝🦋🕸🕷

Thanks dear @itsmiessyonpeakd. I’m happy you loved the collection of the tiny critters. 🤗

Very nice pictures, but now my whole body itches. 🤣 😎

Thanks @muelli. And after the itch, you will be tickled by the feather. :))

Good morning @redheadpei beautiful and wonderful photos. The ones of the insects amazing and the flowers very nice.

Thanks @almajandra. I’m pleased you like the photos.🌸

Greetings @redheadpei wonderful macro photos of insects. The beauty of good photos that allow us to appreciate details that we often do not see in detail to the naked eye. Beautiful flowers and vibrant colors. Congratulations

Greetings @marilour. Thanks for your kind comments. 🌸

Hey @redheadpei, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Yay! 🤗
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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !


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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 80 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks Pix!