LMAC FreeStyle: Symbolism Through Collage [ENG/ESP]

Hello friends and members of the #LMAC community, I hope you are having a nice and productive day. It's been a while since my last post in the community, so I missed participating and dedicating some time to creating and sharing.

Hola amigos y miembros de la comunidad #LMAC, espero que estén teniendo un lindo y productivo día. Hace un poco desde mi última publicación en la comunidad, por lo tanto, ya extrañaba participar y dedicar un poco de tiempo a crear y compartir.

Today, I would like to share with you this photomanipulation that I made using collage techniques. For this, I was inspired by a very common resource in classic collage, which consists of replacing the faces of the characters with objects, creating a representative visual composition. Endowing the new result with symbolism, depersonalizing the subject, giving it new characteristics, and adding to the general surrealist atmosphere of the composition. This practice has its roots in Dadaism, which sought to explore beyond the established artistic norms of the time and play with the subconscious.

En el día de hoy, me gustaría compartir con ustedes esta foto-manipulación que realicé usando técnicas de collage. Para ello, me inspiré en un recurso muy común en el collage clásico que consiste en sustituir los rostros de los personajes por objetos, creando una composición visual representativa. Dotando al nuevo resultado de simbolismo, despersonalizando al sujeto, otorgándole nuevas características y sumándose al ambiente surrealista general de la composición. Esta práctica tiene sus raíces en el dadaísmo, que buscaba explorar más allá de las normas artísticas establecidas en la época y jugar con el subconsciente.

I used pink as the main color for the composition. This is a color that I work with very little, but I think I will start using it more often, especially because of the versatility of its tones and excellent combinations through a monochromatic palette.

Utilicé el color rosa como color principal para la composición. Este es un color que trabajo muy poco, pero creo que empezaré a usarlo más a menudo, sobre todo por la versatilidad de sus tonos y excelentes combinaciones a través de una paleta monocromática.

The flower, a symbol of personal growth and transformation, represents the constant evolution of the mind to higher forms, full of flourishing ideas and thoughts. The bee, always associated with productivity and work, is attracted to the new ideas of the flower, but it is an insect that can sting us at any moment, causing pain in us and its imminent death. The steam rises slowly from the cup, implying warmth, but perhaps also the evaporation of small and bad feelings, ideas, and emotions to make way for new and magnificent thoughts, leaving behind clouds that represent a past of storms and martyrdoms. The substitution and lack of a face lead us to pose a struggle to be ourselves, against beauty standards and self-perception implanted in modern society.

La flor, símbolo del crecimiento personal y la transformación, representa la constante evolución de la mente a formas superiores, llena de ideas y pensamientos florecientes. La abeja, siempre asociada a la productividad y al trabajo, es atraída por las nuevas ideas de la flor, pero es un insecto que puede picarnos en cualquier momento, causando dolor en nosotros y su inminente muerte. El vapor se eleva lentamente de la taza, implicando calidez, pero quizás también la evaporación de los pequeños y malos sentimientos, ideas y emociones para dar lugar a nuevos y magníficos pensamientos, dejando atrás nubes que representan un pasado de tormentas y martirios. La sustitución y carencia de rostro nos lleva a plantear una lucha por ser nosotros mismos, en contra de estándares de belleza y autopercepción implantados en la sociedad moderna.

I especially liked the combination, in my opinion, successful, of natural and human elements that achieved organic growth. I hope it has at least achieved an invitation to reflection and interpretation of multiple meanings.

Me gustó en especial la combinación, a mi parecer acertada, de elementos naturales y humanos que lograron un crecimiento orgánico. Espero que haya logrado, al menos, una invitación a la reflexión e interpretación de múltiples significados.

Image source:
Image by Мелия from Pixabay
Image by Ethar from Pixabay
Imagen de József Szabó en Pixabay

Beneficiaries: @lmac 20%

I sincerely want to thank you for taking the time to read this article. Your support means a lot to me and motivates me to continue sharing content that can be useful and interesting for you. If you found this article useful or enjoyed reading it, I would greatly appreciate your comments. Success.

Quiero agradecerles sinceramente por tomarse el tiempo de leer este artículo. Su apoyo significa mucho para mí y me motiva a seguir compartiendo contenido que pueda ser útil e interesante para ustedes. Si encontraron este artículo útil o disfrutaron leyéndolo, les agradecería enormemente sus comentarios. Éxitos.

I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
The cover of this article was created using Canva.


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I think I get it. The flower is superimposed over the 'real' face. An artificial self, made for public consumption that is pretense and hides the true self.

As for technique--I like the way the steam from the cup rises up and becomes part of the cloud. I'm not sure of the symbolism there, but it is visually effective.

That’s the beauty of creating, the number of interpretations people can give. Maybe it’s just a reminder that even our coffee dreams can take flight! Thanks for always supporting and commenting. Cheers!


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