Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 78 [ENG-ESP]

Huge Prizes

Hey 😎

Wow, the Let’s Make a Collage Community have decided to pull the boat out and offer us huge prizes this week



  • 🥇 First Place: 15 HIVE plus 10 % of the LMAC's beneficiary rewards.
  • 🥈 Second Place: 12 HIVE plus 10 % of the LMAC's beneficiary rewards.
  • 🥉 Third Place: 10 HIVE plus 10 % of the LMAC's beneficiary rewards.
  • 4️⃣ Fourth Place: 8 HIVE plus 10 % of the LMAC's beneficiary rewards.
  • 5️⃣ Fifth Place: 5 HIVE plus 10 % of the LMAC's beneficiary rewards.
  • Top 6-10: 10 % of the LMAC's beneficiary rewards each.

To know the rules of the contest click on this 👉LINK👈

Para conocer las bases del concurso haz click 👉AQUÍ👈

The Entry


The Story

Mount Fuji in the background, The lake is surrounded by rocks and in the middle of them is The Torii Gates.In this week’s main picture, given by @shaka, I wanted to see peace, serenity, and balance, a scene that evokes spirituality. To achieve this, I placed the majestic

In the center of the lake, on rock stands a golden statue of Buddha, the master who was finally found by this young man who was in search of answers that would lead his life’s course to spiritual peace.

What I see in this scene

First you have to go through spirituality to be able to cross the gates to success

Tell me what you see... 👈

Wow, Esta semana la comunidad de Let's Make a Collage botaron la casa por la ventana, ofreciéndonos grandes premios, para motivarnos a seguir participando en este concurso.

Monte Fuji al fondo, El lago está rodeado de rocas y en medio de ellas se encuentra un Torii Gates.En la imagen principal de esta semana, dada por @shaka, yo quería ver paz, serenidad y equilibrio, una vista que evocara espiritualidad. Para lograr esto, coloqué el majestuoso

En el centro del lago, en una roca se encuentra una estatua de oro que representa a Buddha, el maestro que por fin fue hallado por este joven hombre, que andaba en busca de respuestas que condujeran el rumbo de su vida hacia paz espiritual.

Lo que veo en esta escena es, que primero hay que pasar por el mundo espiritual para poder cruzar las puertas hacia el éxito

Dime, ¿Qué ves tú?.

The Source

Fuente de las Imágenes utilizadas.

by @shaka

This composition was made in the Photoshop CC 2019 application for windows and the images used were downloaded from pixabay.com, imgur.com, and istockphoto.com



Special greetings to the members of the LMAC Community and @shaka

The terms of this contest can be found in this publication:

Click Here!



I really like this medidative scene and the warm, spring colors. Very beautiful.
This scene invites me to give my soul a break.

I am pleased that this has reached the spirit of everyone. Thank you very much for stopping by and delighting your soul with this scene.

Now @takeyourtomato you are making me think :). Your collage tells me a young man is searching for answers about life and the universe. It will not be easy as he must take the first necessary spiritual steps to reach the Buddha. Beyond that there are gates to enter and mountains to climb before enlightenment is achieved.

I love the way you brought the leaves to life. I thought they were just in the way, and you made them beautiful! A lovely image all around.

Like a cherry tree 🌸 flowers 🌸

La imagen de meditación correcta untitled.gif

Así pues, si 😌🙏

Your collage invites to relaxation, the colors are beautiful. I like the way I order the Stock used,

I see a young man undecided.

A man who knows that he must cross to transcend but at the same time he is afraid to do it because he will most likely not recognize himself.

The Buddha is spirituality, the path, love, happiness.

I identify myself, I am looking to transcend towards that change of consciousness that comes with the Aquarian Age.

What a great new world wonderful work
Good luck in the contest

Thank you so much @brittandjosie 😊

Nice. Budha in the lake rocks! 😎 Wish you luck in the contest.

😊 thanks seckorama 👍🏾

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@eve66 @redheadpei you two guys blew my mind with your perceptions. I knew there was something else I couldn’t see from the beginning.

If the young man does not recognize himself, he must take another path until he has achieved inner balance. It should not be impossible.

@redheadpei I like the idea to climb the mountain before enlightenment is achieved.

True, that is the beginning of the change to recognize oneself.

Thanks @takeyourtomato. The path to enlightenment is not an easy one. Everything of this life that one holds dear is lost long the way.