Let's Make a Collage 206: Reforesting as a team

Saludos queridos amigos de LMAC!

Les deseo una grandioso inicio de semana, a mi se me ha hecho un poco tarde, pero aquí esta mi entrada al concurso de esta semana, me percate que este fue la plantilla usada en concurso de la ronda 206, en esa oportunidad había convertido la montaña en la parte baja del vestido de una diosa de lava, por eso para esta oportunidad quise reverdecer el ambiente, colocando varias personas colaborando para hacerlo más vistoso y verde.

Espero que este collage sea de su agrado, recuerden que para participar debes visitar el post con las bases de este concurso a continuación Let's Make a Collage 206

Greetings dear friends of LMAC!

I wish you a great start of the week, I'm a little late, but here is my entry to this week's contest, I realized that this was the template used in the contest of round 206, in that opportunity I had turned the mountain in the lower part of the dress of a lava goddess, so for this opportunity I wanted to green the environment, placing several people collaborating to make it more colorful and green.

I hope this collage is to your liking, remember that to participate you must visit the post with the rules of this contest below Let's Make a Collage Challenge 206


La idea de este collage se me ocurrió en parte por una escena de comedia de una película con la cual no he podido dar con el nombre, lo cierto es que en esa película la tierra es completamente destruida, pero luego reconstruida por unas ratas, pues al parecer nosotros siempre fuimos sus propias ratas de laboratorio, en dicha escena se logra ver como reconstruyen cada rincón del planeta y hay pintores, pintando nubes o las montañas escarpadas, o vertiendo agua sobre el océano,

Por eso decidí ubicar primero a los protagonistas de mi collage un pintor y una persona vertiendo el agua en el lago, también otro pintor coloreando las nubes en el cielo.

The idea of this collage came to me partly because of a comedy scene from a movie which I have not been able to name, the truth is that in that movie the earth is completely destroyed, but then rebuilt by some rats, because apparently we were always their own laboratory rats, in that scene you can see how they rebuild every corner of the planet and there are painters, painting clouds or steep mountains, or pouring water on the ocean,

That's why I decided to place first the protagonists of my collage a painter and a person pouring water into the lake, also another painter coloring the clouds in the sky.


Coloqué también una camioneta cargando los árboles para sembrar en la montaña,y un avión regando en todo el espacio un cargamento de flores que luego serán trasplantados en el terreno, para esa labor contamos con el valioso apoyo de los mejores amigos del hombre y al frente la bonita Frieda.
Para finalizar este collage decidí aplicar un filtro granulado como de película y uno de resplandor para hacer todo más luminoso.

I also placed a truck carrying the trees to plant on the mountain, and an airplane watering a load of flowers that will later be transplanted in the field, for this work we have the valuable support of man's best friends and in front of the beautiful Frieda.
To finish this collage I decided to apply a film-like grainy filter and a glow filter to make everything brighter.


Y este ha sido mi collage, me gusto mucho aunque no sea tan vistoso como otros que he realizado y ojalá fuera tan fácil hacer el planeta más verde como aquí se muestra.

A continuación las imágenes que he usado para realizar este collage les agradezco mucho a todos por sus aportes!

Muchas gracias por leer!

Hasta la próxima!

And this has been my collage, I liked it a lot although it is not as colorful as others I have done and I wish it was as easy to make the planet greener as shown here.

Here are the images I used to make this collage I thank you all for your contributions!

Thank you very much for reading!

See you next time!

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @raj808.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @mynatasha.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.


Imagen de Cloud11 en Pixabay


Imagen de 🌸♡💙♡🌸 Julita 🌸♡💙♡🌸 en Pixabay


Imagen de Mircea Iancu en Pixabay


Imagen de Susanne Stöckli en Pixabay


Of course it's whimsical, and charming, but for me it was also startling. A wave of emotion swept over me because the man in the foreground could easily be my former writing teacher, Maxwell Wheat. You can see a picture of him in this New York Times article. He is wearing his trademark hat in the photo, just as the man is in your collage. Max died a few years ago.

It's really nice seeing 'him' in your picture😇. Good luck in the contest with this memorable collage.

Quedo precioso el collares, me encanta el perrito 🥰

Todos trabajando y Frieda solo viéndonos. Ponle una brocha en el ocico también! 😄
Muy encantadora tu collage. Éxitos en la selección de los ganadores! 👍

So beautiful!!! These soft and almost peachy colors caress the eyes gently. As if taken right out of a warm summer dream.

Frieda is doing very well in it. Thank you very much for letting her be the protagonist in your wonderfull collage.

It seems like she is repairing the ozone up there.

Orgullosa de ti.