Let's Make a Collage Challenge 155: Little boy - [ENG-ESP]

Saludos querida comunidad LMAC🌼

Una vez mas complacida de participar en este concurso semanal, la fotografía para usar de plantilla esta semana es hermosa y alimento mi imaginación para crear el collage de esta semana, en cuanto vi las vías de la carretera imagine un niño jugando con sus pequeños carros de juguete, así que me vi en la tarea de encontrar una imagen para dar vida a mi imaginación...
Let's make a Collage Challenge 155 Agradezco a @shaka por gran trabajo semana con semana dirigiendo este concurso, los invito a participar, para conocer las bases visitar la siguiente publicación ✨

Greetings dear LMAC community.🌼

Once again pleased to participate in this weekly contest, the picture to use as a template this week is beautiful and feed my imagination to create this week's collage, as soon as I saw the road tracks I imagined a child playing with his little toy cars, so I saw myself in the task of finding an image to give life to my imagination....
Let's make a Collage Challenge 155 ✨ ✨ I thank @shaka for great work week by week running this contest, I invite you to participate, to know the rules visit the following post ✨


Como mencione en el inicio, para llevar a cabo este collage debía conseguir una imagen que se adaptase a la plantilla, para mi suerte logre obtener una que parecía ideal en el portal de imágenes Pixabay, al pegarla sobre la plantilla solo era cuestión de ajustar la imagen para que el niño solo asomara la parte superior de su cuerpo entre las montañas.

As I mentioned at the beginning, to carry out this collage I had to get an image that would fit the template, to my luck I managed to get one that seemed ideal in the image portal Pixabay, by pasting it on the template was only a matter of adjusting the image so that the child only peeked out the upper part of his body between the mountains.


Después de limpiar debidamente la imagen del niño, comencé a colocar los carros sobre el puente, para ello acudí a la galería de imágenes de la comunidad, la cual cuenta con una buena colección de carros, de los cuales tome cuatro contando uno de juguete que posteriormente sujetaría en una de sus manos.

After duly cleaning the image of the child, I began to place the cars on the bridge, for this I went to the image gallery of the community, which has a good collection of cars, of which I took four, counting one toy car that I would later hold in one of his hands.


Lo siguiente fue colocar algunos curiosos que salieron de sus carros para ver el suceso, los cuales ubique también sobre el puente, uno de ellos específicamente el que sostiene la linterna fue tomado también de Pixabay, imagen de la cual aproveche para el fondo.

The next thing was to place some onlookers who got out of their cars to see the event, which I also placed on the bridge, one of them specifically the one holding the flashlight was also taken from Pixabay, image of which I took advantage of for the background.


El resto fue modificar los niveles, para agrupar todos los elementos tonalmente, también use los pinceles y efectos de capa para hacer el cielo mas violeta, dibujar estrella y añadir sombras en algunas zonas.

The rest was to modify the levels, to group all the elements tonally, I also used the brushes and layer effects to make the sky more violet, draw stars and add shadows in some areas.


Por último, coloque algunos helicópteros sobrevolando el niño alguna nubes, la verdad estoy muy contenta con este collage, aunque no sea exactamente como mi imaginario creo que si logré la esencia en si... muchas gracias a todos por leer, esperando que este publicación haya sido de su agrado me despido!

Finally, I placed some helicopters flying over the child some clouds, the truth is that I am very happy with this collage, although it is not exactly as my imagination I think I achieved the essence itself ... thank you all for reading, hoping that this publication has been to your liking I say goodbye!


A continuacion las imágenes usada para la creación de este collage, muchas gracias a todos por sus aportes a la galería!
Here are the images used for the creation of this collage, thank you all for your contributions to the gallery!

Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @ddn688.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @muelli.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @sachingeorge.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @amilcar14.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @amilcar14.


Imagen de Pexels en Pixabay


Imagen de PayPal.me/FelixMittermeier en Pixabay


Really, really, really nice. The way the child is grasping the car in its hand, and the people out of their cars, looking at what is happening. The scene is more horrible (wonderful) because the child is innocent, has no idea about the consequences of its act. Or doesn't care. It's almost an existential collage.


Totally in love on what you do here! Beautifull idea! I think on putting some toy on my design but i dont find the how as you did!

Outstanding idea to put the kid moving the cars! Just awesome!

Thanks you! Hope to see your collage soon💖✨️