How are you trying to make the best of the situation?

in Project HOPE5 years ago

How are you trying to make the best of the situation _.png

Like so many other people around the world, I find myself in a situation where my life is completely upside down. In order to stop the spread of the virus, I had to close down my business. My wife can't teach anymore because schools are closed. So all my little family is at home trying to spend the days as best as we can.

The most important, to stay healthy

In Switzerland the density of people infected by the virus is among the highest in the whole world. We have around 20'000 cases for something like 8 milion inhabitants. The virus is very close. The ambulances passes regularly around my house to either test people or to take them to the hospital. So my first priority is to keep my family and myself out of harms way. We try to achieve that mainly by staying at home. Once a day, we take the car and go to a field where we can play ball a bit with the kids.

Days pass quite quickly all the same and I'm not a person who likes to be idle. After doing school work with my kids, I try to develop my online business. The only positive aspect about this crisis is that I have a lot of time.

Building an e-mail course

A couple of days ago I had a great surprise coming from one of the websites that I'm on. It's called leadsleap. They have added a new feature to their free offer. It is a complete e-mail software that allows you to build your list and you can do that for free! So far I was using the service of mailchimp. Unfortunately they have scaled down the free offer from 2000 to 500 subscribers and you can now only have one single list with them. Since I had 480 people on my list already, I had to close it down because I wasn't willing to invest in the paid service. I can now continue to build my list with leadsleap and that is why I am building this e-mail course.

I also stole my son's screen from his nitendo so that now I have two screens to work with. This makes it much easier to create videos for my course. We made a deal with my son, I bought him a splinterland account in exchange and gave him a couple of interesting cards ;-).

How do you make the best of the actual situation?

I would be interested to know how you live the situation today and how you try to make the best of it?

Best regards,


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Hello @achim03!

The problem with the coronavirus is that it happens to us like the boiled frog. Naturally, if you throw a frog into a boiling pot, it will do its best to get out of it immediately. But if you put it in freshwater and slowly raise the temperature, it will adapt until it reaches the point where it dies because it didn't get out right away.

We all think that this will not happen to us and that possibly this virus is something fictitious that they tell people to control the media. Well it's not, the coronavirus does kill people and there's no way around it.

I learned today that the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is in intensive care because of the coronavirus. That's alarming.

You have to take measures of prevention seriously, take care of your loved ones and yourself and stop feeling bad about business, without life there is no business.

Well, the best I'm doing is writing on Steemit and Hive. On the other hand, spending more time and sharing more with my family. I must say that finally there is more time to share with them. We play cards, ludo, uno, watch TV together, eat together too.

I've noticed that time passes quickly. Maybe because we're always busy.

I finally cleaned our room, organized my desk, threw out a lot of things that I usually hoard (junk).

I have a lot of things to read and when I sit down in front of the computer if I realize it can take 8 hours in seconds.

Can I ask you about the email course you are building? o.O?

Stay safe & Stay at home :D

PS: You stole your son's screen???? XD

 5 years ago  

Thanks a lot for your great comment. This virus is quite a scarry thing, people get ill without knowing how they caught it in the first place. We are still not sure how it can be transmitted. Yesterday I just learned that people who sing, who talk or who are jogging are much more dangerous. Since they take air from deep down from their pulmons, it comes out with much more speed and therefore the droplets of breath are much smaller and stay in the air for an extended time...Hi @jadams2k18,

Well anyways, I stay indoors most of the time. Early in the morning I take my daughter into the nature (it's still allowed here) and we go for a short run. She is a karate-ka and she does some katas in the fresh air. This is the highlight of the day for both of us. We go so early that there is nobody around ;-).

I enjoy to spend time with my kids. We also play games and little by little we are getting used to being so much together. We fought a lot in the first days ;-).

If you want to check out my e-mail course. Here is the link to it. If you can give me a feed-back, I would be very thankful.

PS: You stole your son's screen???? XD

What a bad father ;-). These days he prefers to play with a tablet and less with the nitendo. That's why he doesn't mind too much.

I wish you and your family a nice together and keep safe!

Best regards,
