The New Valorant Patch is Weird

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Yesterday Valorant released their brand new patch and it should have all been simple stuff like AFK Detection, Chat Penalties, and other stuff but something feels really weird to me. Toxicity is nothing new to Valorant and lately, it has been ramped up to a whole new level where players will start straight up abusing you if you do not follow their commands. So RIOT Games has taken things into their own hand as now being Toxic in Chat will lead to harsher punishments than before. They are also including something called the Progressive Penalties which means repeated offenders will get a harder penalty than new ones and that will really be awesome.
But on the flip side, this also could be used in a bad way. For example, if you Solo Queue a Ranked match and you get 4 other people in your team who are playing together then theoretically they can bully you if you do not follow their orders properly. Plus they can also false report you and you might be the one getting a penalty without doing anything wrong. Now we will have to wait and see how good this Detection is and if it's on the mark or not so can't say a lot right now about that.


But after this new patch, it seems I am having some serious issues with Hit registrations. It looks to me that I am firing my Gun but when I die it shows that no bullets registered at all giving my opponent Zero Damage. This happened to me quite a few times and I don't know if I am being sluggish or something is really wrong in the code right now. I was Ranked at Diamond 1 as of last night but now I have fallen to Platinum 2, hell I haven't won a single game from last night so yeah I am seriously having doubts about this new Patch and feel like something went wrong here. The one thing that could explain the issue is my Ping which is around 40 ms and I feel like that's not bad and I used to play on the same ping beforehand so that shouldn't be the issue right.



Welcome to project hope community and we are glad to have you here. Your post is nice and something related to technology but since I am not good at it so can't share my thoughts about it. I will surely engage with your future post. thank you so much and have a great day.Hello @arunava

40ms seems well within reason on the ping. idk sometimes you just have an off night, maybe it'll feel better next session GL

Hi @arunava most welcome to the project hope community. Well i am not playing valorant but one of my friend die hard fan of this game and i also played it one or two time. I am glad to know this brand new patch i will tell about this to my frien. Solid read...