Don't Quit On Your Dream


The struggle continues every single day. So long as you're alive, you must be struggling with one thing or the other. It takes a lot of hard work to get big things done. Sometimes it even takes a lot more discipline to get small things done too. Because the truth is that, if you don't get started with the small things, you'll never get big things done. Therefore, the main problem that most people are facing is getting started with that small thing.

Several research works in recent times have concluded that - most times when we get started at something, it's very difficult for us to even stop. Actually, the issue is with getting started. And I can share with you a simple solution for this problem. Just decide to get started for just 3-5 minutes, then stand up and leave. You'll see that in some minutes or hours time, you'll by your own volition come back to the work to complete it. It's kind of human nature.

In as much as we want to get things done and live our dream lives, sometimes the going gets tough. The people that don't become successful tend to enjoy the ride when it's smooth, but when things get a little bit rough, as they sometimes do, they quit. And run away. They get started in something else, it's going smooth and when things get tough again, they quit again. You have to develop a stamina for pain, because it's only through pain and effort that great things are built.

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Imagine the skyscrapers you see today and admire so much. Just sit down and mentally think of the great level of patience and accurate effort it must have taken the builders to get that building standing and looking as good as it is. Success is not kids play, you need to put in great work to achieve great things. There's no other way around it. And while building that skyscraper, they must have faced challenges, but they kept on it, because they had an image of the finished product in mind.

When things get tough. Don't run away, don't quit. Wait it out. Funny as it seems, those hard times may not last long, and good times come again. And you see yourself soaring. But if you had allowed yourself quit. Then it would have been all over for you in that business. You have to keep the picture you have in your mind. Your dream for that business or that plan of yours. Whenever you feel doubt, bring that image up in your mind and let it fuel you.

There's just one thing that you must also take time to do, and do very well. And that's a proper self analysis. You have to look at that dream of yours objectively. And ask yourself, if you can actually make it happen. Most people just spend time wishing, and in reality they lack the wherewithal to turn that wish or dream into reality. If you've done this self analysis, and you've come to the conclusion that you can make it happen. Then let nothing stop you.

Thanks for reading. If you have any contribution, kindly drop it in the comment section below. Bye for now!!!
