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RE: 3 Reasons why social media marketing is good for small business!

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Good day @guiltyparties. Just like the name implies you punish the guilty parties not the innocent parties.

We've had a private chat and I've told you my encounter with @focusnow.

We're all adults here. I don't know why someone like him would threaten us and we wouldn't have the courage to speak out.

There's is a risk of these newbies being manipulated here in hive to give up their keys and there account hacked before they know it.

When I created my account newly, it was done by a friend of mine and I had just one of the keys.

He told me how to change the keys immediately should incase I feel that he can't hold it for me.

He offered to hold my changed keys but I refused. Since then I've changed my keys 4 times.

Back to why I'm here. Everyone is held accountable for his or her actions. We're all here those he took care of to vouch for him.

If we're forced you would know. He's not holding a gun on our heads and forcing us to speak good of him. We can differentiate good from evil.

So I beg you, in addition to other pleas from his recruits that you should please remove the ban.

It's not a command, not even a request cause that would be rude of me but a plea, an appeal that you should tamper justice with mercy.

This is blockchain everyone is seeing our pleas, some might understand but others won't. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

We're all here as one family to beg you once again. Watch him closely after now and see the turn out of events.

Thank you so very much as you read and see reasons with me and my colleagues why you should lift the ban.

Yours truly,
Concerned Nigerian and blogger.