The necessity to distribute areas of responsibility in your organization

in Project HOPE4 years ago

The error due to lack of systematic in your organization is indicated by the lack of coordinated work in departments, duplication of functions between specialists, and some chaos in their activities. Once a company starts to grow, problems like this snowball.

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For example

You might encounter this as a manager when the company is growing rapidly in a construction company. The load on you will definitely increase; you'll have to distribute areas of responsibility between subordinates on the go. Your procurement department is responsible for the supply of materials, but only this can be interpreted in different ways: both the delivery to the object and the fact of shipment from the supplier. It is not uncommon for a supplier to ship materials, and the procurement specialist will believe that this is his job. But the materials never got to the construction site for a variety of reasons - either the car broke down, then something else happened.
Once, as a result of such confusion, the decision to purchase another batch of materials might be made belatedly, and the company may suffer a loss. Not understanding this situation, You might punish both the head of the section and the supply specialist. As a result, at the subsequent delivery of materials, they'll duplicate each other's functions to the detriment of their primary responsibilities.

This example showed that you need to clearly distribute areas of responsibility between departments, indicating the results that they should achieve.
You need to know that everything should be spelled out in the regulations. This is a systematic approach to work, in which you need to consider the organization as an integral system.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that regulations and instructions reduce flexibility in decision-making. And here, it is essential to maintain a balance: there is no need to create an infinitely long regulation or an infinite number of them. The company's regulatory document should be clear, simple, and, if possible, concise. It must be signed by the head and follow up. With this approach, the leader will not allow the problems I described to happen.

See you some other time. Thanks for visiting my blog.


I would like to hear from you. Do you have contribution or comment? Do well to drop them in the comment sectionThis is @benie111


Organization is important in a company, whether large or small, because it ensures that all departments do their job. Sometimes in companies that are growing overlook this and load functions to a few, ending these succumbing to the excess of work, create departments is to delegate so that the load is lighter to be carried among many and they can do the specific work they know. @tipu curate 2

Certainly in an organization it is key to establish rules and procedures for the realization of the different activities and that each person or department acquires its responsibilities to obtain results as a whole. Greetings!Hello @benie111!

This is a great write-up. Really, proper organisation can never be overspoken of. Just a quick peek at the hierarchy of operations in ants and bees colonies,how organized they are and how it works out for them shows it's something that we can't afford to do without in our human organizations. It certainly helps.