Technological vision in education

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Technology in education provides many advantages for the teaching and learning process of students at different levels, however, the constant incorporation of technology is very interesting as long as it is accompanied by the guidance of that human talent that diversifies and expands that ability to learn in what is taught by technology.

We can not deny the fact that although technology is an essential part of our lives, both students and teachers may show some symptoms of resistance to the constant incorporation of new technologies, but it is a natural and understandable behavior that has resistance, we must bear in mind that every change almost always brings resistance, however this resistance to the incorporation of technological advances in education will have at some point a turning point, where most of us will stop having this behavior of rejection, and on the contrary we will see education as inconceivable without the use of new technologies.


This constant technological incorporation must have a clear and concise vision, and it is not other than to count on technology but always with the guide of people (teachers) and that it is directed to people (students), so it can be deduced that it is a transference of knowledge that is executed by means of the teaching-learning process using technology and accepting all its advances, uses and incorporations, but that if to obviate the importance of the resource and human talent in this process as they are the teachers and students.

This process of technology transfer with technology alone, without the student being able to count on guided help from the teacher, can have consequences on the student's lack of motivation. This is something that we can see today, where as a result of the pandemic, classes have had to be given at a distance, using digital and technological tools to facilitate this teaching-learning process, however, we can see many of the young adolescents quite unmotivated by this lack of human contact with their peers and with the teachers who are an essential part of this educational process.


When we really give importance to human resources is that moment where we can analyze that even in the generation of virtual classrooms is always behind the programming of these platforms the human talent that guides, elaborates and structures all this design, so it would be inconceivable to accept technology in education without taking into account the human factor.

It is necessary to break current paradigms in the process of teaching and learning, in which we can find teachers who refuse to want to use technological tools in their classes, because by habit the way of teaching is passing from generation to generation, and there comes a point where many may say that this is their way of explaining (traditional and / or conventional) as they learned, so why change that way, However, as I mentioned before, every change will always be a factor of adaptation and standardization, however, in the propagation of the advantages of the technological use I believe that the success of this matter will be, and that will always make it clear that technology in education is important and must be accepted, but that it must be directed and guided by people (teachers) and that it must be useful and meaningful for people (students).


I hope that this opinion article is of the taste of all my friends readers, I hope to be writing soon for you, your friend @carlos84 says goodbye


Totally agree with you, i think we have to really train up the next generation of teachers to handle the online space a bit better for the students.

That's right my friend, let's just hope that this training process is accepted and well assimilated by the teachers. Greetings and thanks for sharing your comment

Greetings great friend @ carlos84

It is important that we break with the current paradigms in the teaching and learning processes that all teachers make greater use of advances in technology as it is of great help to everyone.

Thank you for sharing your article

Exactly @sandracarrascal you have said a very important truth, it is necessary to break with all paradigms for us teachers to better assimilate technology and new changes in education. Greetings and thanks for commenting.

Thank you for sharing your excellent contributions with all of us successes.

Greetings friend @carlos84, excellent article that you share with us on this occasion related to technological applications in the educational world where you are absolutely right since technology has allowed us to make great progress in any aspect of education.

Hello friend, every change is like that, people were used to their face-to-face classes and it is logical that some present resistance to the new, but in the end people end up adapting. I think it's all about adaptation, plus education through technology has many advantages as you mentioned.