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RE: Inflation vs. salary in Venezuela, a horror movie - Inflación vs. salario en Venezuela, una película de terror

in Project HOPE4 years ago

You are a recognized member of the revolutionary party of Venezuela. You are an active Chavista, you have always supported Hugo Chavez and Maduro, you are a friend and vote for the politicians of the Venezuelan revolution. You are a hypocrite publishing this, when you are one of the causes of the problem. What will your close revolutionary friends say when they read this? You have no morals


I have never been a member of any party, I am a free thinker, I have never been a public employee, my ideological formation is leftist but not Marxist and I do not have a muzzle to criticize or support whoever I want. I challenge you to tell me what I have worked for the government. And if you speak from resentment and supported the almost 50 years of adeco-copeyano government, then you can't ask for morals, because answer me a simple question, if they were happy why did they vote for Chavez?