in Project HOPE5 years ago

Every great leader that achieve great things in their sphere of influence understand and carryout division of labour. In this post I will like to explain five reasons why division of labour will be very good in helping you to develop your organization or businesses as a leader.



(i) Enhance greater skill of your workers: division of labour results in workers acquiring greater skill at their jobs, for “by reducing every man's business to some simple operation, and by making this operation the sole employment of his life, necessarily increases very much the dexterity of the workman.” The point is summed up in the phrase: “practice makes perfect.” when you constantly repeat a task, it's makes performance almost automatic.
(ii) It save time: there is a “saving of the time which is often lost in passing from one sort of work to another. By keeping to a single operation, a workman can accomplish a great deal more, since he wastes less time between operations and also less time is required to learn how to perform a single operation than to learn a complete trade.
(iii) It make your employees to become a specialists: the carrying out of almost any piece of work requires the performance of its own particular skill. When the work is divide and the separate tasks are assign to difference people, this division of labour will make specialisation possible for each workman and also help them to specialise in the work for which they have the greatest aptitude.
(iv) It makes possible the use of machinery: one of the advantage of the division of labour is that it made possible a greater use of machinery. Once a piece of work is divide and each person understand his/her routine of work, it opened the of way for the employment of a machine to carry out the operation, so that output can be further increase in the organization. Though division of labour without the use of power-driven machinery is possible, yet specialisation of process is itself induced by machinery, and makes division labour essential. Division of labour paved the way for the introduction of machinery and this lead to mass-production methods.
(v) Less fatigue. It is sometimes claimed that the worker, habituated to the repetition of simple tasks, becomes less fatigued by his work. But it is necessary for all workers to maintain the same pace if division of labour is to work smoothly, and so the fatigue of the slower workers may be increased by the effort required to keep up with the quicker. Also machinery does not get tire.

One of the key factor to the growth of the organization is every worker giving their best to see to it that the aspect of the work they are handling are executed effectively. Thereby increasing the outcome of the business or the organization


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