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RE: Gender equality and Blockchain

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Hi @creativeblue

Thank you for another interesting publication.

I found it quite amusing to witness that more and more people out there seem to believe that there is more than only 2 genders. It seem that some universities already added subject "gender studies".

But let's assume for the time being, that we've 2 major genders: male and female. And it's becoming right away quite obvious that woman are absolute minority and most of them do not care and do not want to hear about blockchain or technology etc.

It seem that UN doesn't know their audience.

Anyway I'm not sure how does things look in less developed countries, but my impression is that in europe women have been enpowered for very long time and currently it's hard not to have impression, that man are weaker than women (at least here).

To be a man vs women (in any sort of conflict) means that you (as a man) will pretty much always lose. We all got used to idea that women are being abused by man, however in current times I think it's being quite reversed. And man are more often than not intimidated and scared to stand up whenever they are bullied by female.

Solid read. Upvote on the way

 5 years ago  

The gender issue has become very complicated, especially when we step on the ground of the "Politically Correct."

In the genetic sense, I certainly consider two volatile genera, XX and XY, I do not deny that there are variations such as the cases of Super-Males XYY, klineferlter XXY or Super-Feminine XXX, due to errors or failures during the process of meiosis for creation of sexual gametes, either for sperm or ovule. But these variations are considered not viable for the reproduction of a species and can even result in pathological manifestations.

Now if we enter into the construction of "Identity and Social Gender", we are headed for a swamp of problems that have been under discussion since ancient times. After all, they are things that are defined from the societies and cultures that are considered, to be "Feminine" or "Masculine" in the social sense is not only to be at the genetic level, in fact it can happen that what in a Age was considered typical of a genre, be somewhat unacceptable in a different time or place or society.

With regard to the use of this situation to use it as a basis for a confrontation and the intimidation of some group, it is cruelly something that can be found in all ages. These confrontational relationships can be understood as a struggle for power and the ability to bend and subjugate the other party, hence the "Exacerbated Machism" and the "Feminazis" are simply the same in their ideals of submitting, humiliating and dominate the counterpart.

This does not deny that there is a need to fight for equity in opportunities between different groups, but to favor someone simply because they are considered "weak" and that they should be given facilities to the detriment of others, as it seems to me to be a form of contempt or underestimation.
