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RE: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Let's all step back and figure out what can be done to stop LOSING STEEM USERS

in Project HOPE5 years ago

I really enjoyed reading your mature response @livinguktaiwan

Is there any way to DM you? I would like to get in touch with you. Nothing really important - it's just I like to get in contact (outside steem) with people I value for one reason or another.

Also if you would ever be flagged again - I will gladly help to counter it (since I'm managing @project.hope with it's 300k SP).



Hi there, I did try to find you on Discord, but I can never figure out how to search for people :-(

My id is livinguktaiwan#6787


 5 years ago  

I also always have similar trouble @livinguktaiwan

I found discord quite complicated and I personally prefer telegram. Anyway, I added you already. Could you please add me too? crypto.piotr#3426
