Let’s Lose Weight – Why?
Yes, seriously, that was also a passive income ideas list item. It has a lot of advantages, your expenses can decrease and your incomes increase. Perhaps you will “live long and prosper” (Star Trek). But not an income itself.
Haha what xD I agree, none of those 17 things are passive income :D
One could argue that there isn't a lot of things which are passive, unless you are crazy rich :D
I think passive income doesn't exist - it is only a new word to describe an old business form, independent entrepreneurship. The deal: Your actual dedication for future incomes.
I kinda thing the same way. The only reason I said the rich can have passive income, is because they can just automatically pay a assistant to do something for them :D
But they must choose carefully or they can be robbed. Choosing the right people is, also, an active work, an important science.
ye true.