Last week, I made a list of 17 quarantine ideas that can be useful for the future – even if quarantine ends. Invest in your future if you have time. Robinhood users aren’t buying tech stocks in the first place as I expected but industry holdings. Use our free time to invest in the future, learn, advance, make business, become healthier, smarter. But don’t gamble.
This is my weekly post recommendation for you, with many charts and lists. I started a new project on my financial web page, Ageless Finance, publishing now “charts of the day” or list posts three times a week for my readers. I present you the summaries and if you are interested in the topics, lists, or the charts, just click on the image. But the posts contain much more than a chart or a list. Also, click if you want to know more about the background of these trends.
Robinhood in The Woods of the Contrarian
In spring 2020, in the coronavirus-crash, another three million people registered on Robinhood. What are they buying? Are Robinhood users contrarian investors, bargain hunters, or only novices?
- Robinhood users aren’t behaving as I expected.
- They aren’t buying tech stocks in the first place but industry holdings.
- The further the price falls, the more people buy stocks.
- Are they contrarian investors, bargain hunters, or only novices?
Click the picture to view the full post: 
7 Reasons Not to Gamble Unless You Are a Professional Player
Expecting an income from gambling is mostly not a promising idea.
- You are at a great disadvantage against a professional player.
- Gambling has at least seven main hazards.
- Mathematics and pros, scammers are the most negative factors.
- Become a professional, or stay away from it!
Click the picture to view the full post: 
17 Quarantine Ideas That Stay Useful Forever
Useful quarantine ideas? Aren’t they obsolete? Chances are not.
- Many quarantine ideas stay useful.
- The world will never be the same.
- We will spend more time at home also after the pandemics.
- Let’s use our free time to invest in the future.
- Learn, develop, become healthier, smarter.
- Or let’s do things now so we don’t have to lose time with it later.
Click the picture to view the full post: 
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My Previous Chart and Post Recommendations:
17 Fake Passive Income Ideas Explained, FANG+ Stocks and Gold Price Explosion – Charts of the Week
11 + 1 Grave Investment Errors, Brazil in the Abyss, People Need Online Work
11 Countries in Trouble, Busting the Myth of the Dividend Aristocrats
Facebook Is Earning on You, Pre-Corona Stock Prices, Financial Repression
Oil Crash, Streaming in Quarantine, Best Investment in 2020
Interesting compilation of topics(: ... I want to read the quarentine one!!
Just do it
I actually, don't go out much, this quarentined has made it more less. Still for groceries, drinking water, go out thirce a week or so.
But life has changed a lot. Now, go out more for buying cat food by walk but mask puts me off, even to step outside of the house have to wear mask, can't breath, so don't cover the nose.
Fortunately I got a nice area to walk and relax in my flat premises only. New normal... also don't use public transport.
tommorow first time going out of my area to visit a house to deposite my fostered stray kitten Crypta but not using public transport bus... but it's good to go somewhere for a change...
I just writting articles, reading about crypto, eating, cleaning home and playing with my cats and exercise. I generise do some activism, and miss it, I am a environment and social activist by heart, that's why most of my articles display that trait, anyway.
I would like to focus on community building, sustainable infrastruce like solar panels and reusable water technologies in the near future other than crypto, and decentralised finance learnings. I don't really want to do any thing more, untill I am ready.
Ofcourse I will work on myself, plan, goals, monitor etc, will go somewhere hopefully!!
Maybe you can share your experiences in a post. This comment is a half of a post already. :)
@deathcross first of all very nice article , and i hope you are safe with your family , here in my city we have just opened lock down 2 weeks before but we are keeping good care of our self, i like the 17 ideas of your one should try.
Thank you.
Stay safe as well.
17 ideas...:) I donno how long we'll see this menace
The point is, some ideas work forever.
I will not even advise my enemy to gamble. I have been in the shoe of gamble and it is trash. Unless a miracle before you can not lose
Thank you.