Top 4 leadership qualities every entrepreneur should develop!

in Project HOPE5 years ago



Being an Entrepreneur puts you into a leadership position that must be properly managed. As part of starting up and running a venture, it is normal to work with a team that shares and vision and works with it to achieve it. How you handle those under you or members of your team has a very important bearing on your success. When human resources are properly manged and led, amazing things are achieved with outstanding efficiency. However, lack of true leadership qualities will have a negative effect on your team and this usually affects hampers productivity and efficiency. Therefore, entrepreneurs do well to cultivate qualities that will make them the kind of leader team members want to work with.

There are many qualities of a good leader. However, this article examines 3 most important of such qualities that new and existing entrepreneurs do not want to miss. Take a look.

4 crucial leadership qualities for entrepreneurs

1. Vision: Every entrepreneur should have the future clearly in mind and see where they want to be in no distant future. True leaders understand their orientation at any point in time. They know where they have been, where they are, and where they want to be. Lack of vision may result in loss of concentration, lack of motivation or even complete deviation from achieving set goals. A true entrepreneur will always see through thing and think. They are not easily swayed by minor distractions or major disruptions. So any new entrepreneur should have a proper vision and be able to explain why his team need to take or stick to a course of action because he understands its relevance to achieving their vision.

2. Good communicator: Teams break down when there are not proper ways to send information across to other members. A true leader and entrepreneur must communicate in a clear and efficient manner. Team members must understand your vision and goals. They need to know the strategy or means for achieving such goals. Without proper communication, it may become difficult to work cohesively towards ones vision. As such, aspiring entrepreneurs need to understand the essence of communication and work hard to always pass information or messages across to others in a way that leaves them not in doubt about what needed to be done and how to do it.

Honest: Honesty is rare in today's world. Even leaders in various organizations struggle to be honest. However, entrepreneurs should be outstanding in being open and transparent. Others in your team need to see that you owe up to your actions even when you make mistakes. When people you work with discover your integrity, they are moved to learn from your example. However, if you struggle to show that you are a straight-forward person, others would not want to trust you. When you lack the trust of your team and others you interact with, lots of things will go wrong.

4. Creativity: Being creative can take you places. Innovation helps you to find your way around difficulties that may pop up here and there. Uncertainties abound and you always need to think out of the box. You need to be different and work in ways previously unknown. To succeed as an entrepreneur, creativity is essential and that will help you stand head and shoulders above competition. Additionally, it can help you to assist team members when they run into very difficult situations.


Entrepreneurs quickly turn into leaders because they usually have others working under and with them. If you fail in displaying true leadership qualities as an entrepreneur, success usually is harder to achieve. There are many qualities of a good leader beside the 4 listed above. Always work hard to develop capacity as a leader. When people feel happy and comfortable working under you, then you are sure to hit it off on a good note as an entrepreneur.


Very good advice dear friend.

I want to add that motivation is an important factor for become a good leader stay motivated and motivate these are keys to healthy business

Great @reinaldoverdu. Motivation matters and it's a essential to impact confidence and drive growth. Ofcourse there are still many other leadership qualities essential for Entreprenures

 5 years ago  

@tipu curate