I have decided to give something more... WTF is this?!

in Project HOPE5 years ago (edited)

Lot's have been happening in my daily life and I'm not indifferent to what I read daily. I just can't have the time I had before... everything is spontaneous, irregular, unplanned.

New Life Reality

#COVID19 changed a lot of my life, unfortunately. And, I am living in this beautiful place called "New Zealand"😍... where currently there are no known #COVID cases... ZERO! Nothing...

The prime minister Jacinda Ardern is making a huge success with her leadership and recent successes within the pandemic fighting. And for that, I am really grateful.

I am back to work, in my office, enjoying the company of my friends and coworkers without being afraid of being caught by the virus. This is an important achievement, in many senses! But I must admit it might have high influences from the fact that New Zealand is made of a group of islands, geographically isolated from the rest of the world. It's way easier to contain if the only ways of getting in are by boat or plane.

My motivation at this moment is towards surfacing these changing times and the change they can cause in your personal life.

But wait! I wouldn't feel good if not sharing also a good retrospective of what life will become in a few years for part of my family. This girl is just a great example...

All credits towards Sweet Anita, thank you so much to expose this girl, you rock!

Google Tourrette's Syndrome

Anita is an Youtuber/Twitcher Gamer with acute Tourrette's and she does not know me. I just happen to find her in my due diligence research. If you like her work, please do appreciate her. I have no involvement in that kind of appreciation. It's entirely up to you.

Find more about Tourrette's Syndrome... and if you need a word about that, drop me any kind of communication.

The rest of the world

I have been watching a bit of everything but times does not allow me to consume everything I would wish for. I have been following mostly Europe, China and the US, with higher attendance to the latter ones.

I know a few people scattered across the planet, fortunately, to give me some "unforeseen" and "unplanned" nice updates now and then. These are highly appreciated communications I try to maintain, although I know sometimes I neglect some of them. Not on purpose, but because I can't communicate with everyone that often.

A big thank you for everyone that values identity and values about free and EDUCATED societies.

If you are really in a bad situation and you really would love to have a chance to engage with the entire world, then please consider #HIVE as a great community to start some conversation. I have been around for more than 3 years now, and for more than double that digging into blockchain technologies. Probably one of the 3rd best things happened in my life. Yes, I have other proud stuff that comes first... but that's too personal to share.


This community keeps surprising me... the #STEEM blockchain is becoming dormant and really "unknown" for what I knew this community in the first place. I don't want to bias your opinion but I would make sure I know what I am doing before going there... as I would recommend on ANY blockchain technology when you are about to invest your time or money.

I have been very entertained on playing the "YOU SHOULD KNOW By NOW! dCity.io game. Along with that, others like Rising Star or EXODE. Even with these, I can't help to say, I wish I had more time... but they have my attention. Although there are others around that I have under my eye... just in case, they get popular as these.

Where is your digest?

That's a shame... to be honest. I had great plans for it... and the format was just into my liking... but due time constraints, there is no go. At least for now... so, paused.

This was my only post and I did not have the engagement I wished for... not making excuses... but I think it might have been on the wrong time. Or just bad luck.

If you still wanna check out the format and give me any feedback, I would appreciate. The content is already more than 1 month old, so take your chances on time. Link is here.

The only thing I keep posting regularly is the Storj Demo node... that does not require a lot of time to update. Plus is something I need to actively be on it anyway... The last one is here.

Why give more?

For the sake of not keep repeating myself, it's obvious. Timewarp is still on development thesis... and I can't make children vanish that fast... especially because they are kind of the real reason I am taking time to learn things that probably I won't need to explain to them, but I will be able to make up for them if they screw up.

I am a technologist, troubleshooter, support person and crypto "financial" ish guy... I do love a good engagement, humour, and honest feedback/comments/opinions... even if sometimes sarcastic or deceiving, as long the communication history has a fundamental source that justifies the fun and the cause.

I have known @crypto.piotr for some time now and I have my personal opinion about him. That does not need to be mixed up with everything he does... but as many would bind, it had high influence.

I am usually very transparent about my presence unless I wish to adopt a different posture to favour my own privacy or human rights. I have a family, so they are first, obviously.

I have been observing the evolution of this project and I see something I did not saw before... I am sorry I did not see that before... There is something unique. Something that nor the regular user can quickly get it not the very powerful whale has in the palm of the hand to make a decision.

But, now I see it. And this is why I have decided to change my delegation to 10K HP on to the @project.hope community. I don't post there often as I did before, and this is probably going to be a rare post in the following up times, but I think the message is clear, personal and hopefully, inviting for the practice of good in this blockchain that keeps me surprisingly motivated.


The best way for you to support #HIVE if that is what you wish to invest your time in is to basically use the platform in any mean full way you find it useful for you. Then share your experience with all the internal community first... not because we should not expose ourselves, but because there might be more value on "structuring" your thoughts first before you broadcast that information.

I always get a second opinion... and that usually (almost every time) adds knowledge.

Think about it...


I am all for it... any kind of ones... this project or others related. I will answer them. Be sure of that. I have also created a pseudonym of myself in twitter, so if you wish to go along, check me out on @forkyishere account.

I leave you with a wishful blast of good hope (if I am allowed to) and promises that the world is transforming to a better place! We are all humans... we are all the same inside.

As always... I will be around! Stay safe and cherish who or what you love.

Check these Cryptocurrency 💳Cards

by @forykw


I am pretty new to this community and I am like you I knew this project existed before but I didn't really see it.
It's been great so far. Welcome to the community!

I have been posting on this project community some times in the past... but with all the COVID thing, lots changed in life. Plus since the beginning of the year, other things changed too. So quite crazy to have some free time to for example write these comments even.

The good part is that I can write them from the phone... but doing posts from the phone is not comfortable to me. I need a real Keyboard!

I can relate SO much with this comment. I realized there is so much I want to do and so few time... Kind of s cary :D. Great post, very positive and pushing away all the negativity that we all know occurs here ! Kudos to you :D

@tipu curate

Welcome to this great community as is @project.hope. This is an excellent read, very solid, happy that your nation is free of the pandemic and very happy for such valuable support as your delegation. I look forward to seeing more publications from you soon.

Erarium Project
Financial and educational community

Need to check you too... bookmarking. 😉

 5 years ago  

Dear @forykw

I'm glad to see you finally post within PH community. Hope to hear more often from you.

Thanks for sharing info about C19 and NZ. I often wonder how did you guys manage to solve this issue so fast. It surely does help that you're so well isolated.

I have been following mostly Europe, China and the US, with higher attendance to the latter ones.

I wonder what are your conclusions? My impression is, that in China and majority of Asian countries there is some trust between society and goverment. And this allow both parties to work together closely to solve C19 problem.

In Europe people are a bit nuts about "freedom". In result they actually seem to have even more freedom than citizens of Asian countries. And most european countries struggle with virus, simply because society restist goverment. Regardless on strategy of that goverment towards C19 issue.

In USA things are obviously even worse. For the very same reason. Because people rebel any sort of authority.

I have been observing the evolution of this project and I see something I did not saw before... I am sorry I did not see that before... There is something unique. Something that nor the regular user can quickly get it not the very powerful whale has in the palm of the hand to make a decision.

I wish to know what is on your mind. What did you see? :)

Yours, Piotr

Thanks for sharing info about C19 and NZ. I often wonder how did you guys manage to solve this issue so fast. It surely does help that you're so well isolated.

A great leader also helps a lot... plus a society that is well educated to understand the implications of living in a big semi-auto sufficient island!

I wonder what are your conclusions? My impression is, that in China and majority of Asian countries there is some trust between society and goverment. And this allow both parties to work together closely to solve C19 problem.

China is playing a very dirty game in my view... I mean, not the citizens... the CP is... and probably (not wanting this ok?) we might see another civil war... in China. It depends on external pressure...

COVID19 is a major distraction to political pressures being undertaken. Still much to investigate and uncover under the hood... I keep trying to research as much as I can... Youtube, news, twitter, etc... everyday!

In Europe people are a bit nuts about "freedom". In result they actually seem to have even more freedom than citizens of Asian countries. And most european countries struggle with virus, simply because society restist goverment. Regardless on strategy of that goverment towards C19 issue.

It's Europe! =) nothing surprising to me. Everyone will be fine there... just more of the usual... its an economical/political issue all the time...

In USA things are obviously even worse. For the very same reason. Because people rebel any sort of authority.

In USA... no... in a new country being formed... not USA anymore... the society is shaping... and one day US will divide from 50 states to maybe 50 new countries... realistically less than 50... but to some number... if not dividing, then social life will be shifting again towards a very different culture to what currently is unique on each state. I have never lived in US but from all the time I have spent there, I can tell that this is somekind of "brute-force" evolution... similar to earlier 1500 BC years... but, for now, without wars...

I wish to know what is on your mind. What did you see? :)

Predictions... =) like tarot... but for economics and blockchain technology... and then societies underneath it. It's all based on knowing about history and what's coming. I think I know why IBM did made strategies like they did...

For last...

Thank you so much for at least... never giving up. I understand your position is sometimes very sensitive... keep your character. But also the continuous improvement path and expansion. Its good to remember that everyone can contribute to the success of something, and despite all the less helpful ones, this project has been progressing across all the rumble happening so far... that is very positive!

Let's hope this all continues the momentum and we see something very beautiful coming out of it.😉

 5 years ago  

In USA... no... in a new country being formed... not USA anymore... the society is shaping...

Interesting view buddy. You surely have a good points here.

 5 years ago  

Great to read your post @forykw. It's nice to see that New Zeeland is showing the world that Covid can be beaten... Here in Switzerland we are also quite well off in this respect. We have about 20 new cases per day which is bearable. I'm back at work as well.

It's great that you delegate 10k HP to project.hope. I've been around this community since it's very beginning and during all the crises on the blockchains, this project has always been a place of refuge and constance where building and creating was always put before the sometimes destructive energies that were waging...

I have a friend that is living there... As it looks is not as a big deal as it "was" here... but good to know that things are going by... stay safe.

Hi @forykw I'm glad to know that no case in your city is really good .

I pass by here to give you a nice welcome !! So...

Welcome to the community @project.hope it's good to know that more users trust this great project and its founder .. A solid and decentralized project where the most important thing is to guide and help its users !!

Greetings and welcome aboard @forykw. I am very happy that more users can join @project.hope, it is more than a community, a team and a family where we all support each other. I appreciate very much the support given to this great project, as you say. In PH there is something that is not seen in any project and when interacting with each one of its users we realize the harmony and the solidity of the team.

Financial Markets Analyst

Thanks... I have been around... a bit distracted... with life, but around.

Since I have joined hive, i have never regret.
Anytime i wake up, I always love to know more about hive to and to continue on hive


Welcome to the community and I appreciate your support towards the community.

Projecthope community is a great place and i believe you are going to find that place great staying

Once again welcome to the community

I have been in this community since beginning... I just been a bit away. =) But see almost every post...

I am pleased to welcome you. You are a good writer I must commend too. This post is long, yet I didn't know when I read through. It is interesting. Project hope is doing great. The community is like a home, therefore, your delegation is much appreciated. Can't wait to read more posts from you. Be well and sound.

Thanks. Did you knew about Tourrette's Syndrome?

No. not yet.. I saw it awhile ago from your post

Welcome to the community buddy and many thanks for the massive support. It's an honour to have you on board.

Glad to know that your country, New Zealand, has zero case of covid-19. Stay safe

For quite some time already... I should have mentioned we have really zero cases... but also distinguish that we have also 0 new cases for like more than 2 weeks? Quite nice being back to life.

Hi @forykw, thank you for what you did, delegating 10k HP to this community. Yay! :D

I didn't know sweet anita, but she's great. As she deals with her illness, she's very brave, I guess she's had the support of many friends.

I didn't know New Zealand didn't have c0r0n4v1rus. It's good to know that life is normal at least somewhere.

Thanks for your support ^_^

Keep in touch

COVID-19 started to be worrying in Libya just recently. Some people caught the virus during the Eid two weeks ago and they started showing symptoms now. Other than that, the situation in Libya is quite safe~

As for HIVE, I'm only more active here because most of the people I follow are on HIVE now. I still cross-post all my content to STEEM but I don't know for how long I'll stay on both platforms.

I don't want to be a part of this crypto drama.

I would question yourself... why do I cross-post on both chains? What is the real purpose... and if you answer that question very clearly you know what to do next. If I didn't know that, I wouldn't be answering to this.

I guess my reason is pretty selfish: I still get rewards on both chains. Though I get less on Steem lately, and I don't get a lot of interactions on any of them. Though the latter is probably my fault because I don't interact with others as much as I should.

You get a lot more attention here...

Yeah, and I'm grateful for that.

 5 years ago  

Hi @forykw

why do I cross-post on both chains? What is the real purpose... a

  1. a bit different traffic
  2. extra rewards, which partly are compensating all dramma and stress that us (regular users) had to go through since HF23.

Also it's only fair to enjoy those extra rewards, since price of STEEM dropped greatly because of HF23 and creation of HIVE.

Cheers, Piotr

@forykw First I would like to say welcome to the ph community. And thank a ton for your support and believing in this community. I personally thankful to you. I have seen you in many servers like dcity giveaway we have small talk.

And I am sure you will enjoy in this community as it's totally full of enthusiasm and engagement we support each other.

Lastly I want to add @crypto.piotr is very good leader as I have seen his work and dedication within the community and with members.

Lastly I want to say be safe with your family and take every measures to stay away from covid-19. I know their are no cases. But still be safe 🙂

Greetings thanks for sharing your experience and also for showing me your philosophy part of your culture

Hello @forykw

Thank you very much for the support you give to the community and for your words to it, it is a unique project that as you say we do not see everywhere, we are many who make life in this community and we thank everyone who wants to join it.

I am very surprised that in your country there is not a single case of coronavirus, it is excellent, unlike Latin countries like mine, the situation does not look good, but despite this we are still active and eager to move forward! WELCOME, I HOPE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE BEING IN THIS NEW FAMILY.

We reached more than 1500 cases... but because almost everyone isolated for more than a month, we cleared it out =)

Solid read.
Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

👉 😉

What more can I say other than *welcoming you to Project hope, I will love to see you dropping more and more post.

Lastly, I am glad seeing that you added to the delegate base on how cool you have seen this awesome project. We are grateful

I have always been around, almost since the birth of this project. Just not that active...

I had previously a 1.5K delegation... and I have now increased it to 10K.

I think I have always been setting up beneficiaries to @ph-fund on Project HOPE posts... This post had something personal with a stripe of special techs info and knowledge about COVID impact on societies.

Once again, we are grateful

Welcome man.

How lucky you are to belong to the great community of #project hope, I look forward to reading more of your good articles, feel at home and enjoy the journey. Greeting and welcome @forykw

Yeah... its not as often as I wished anymore. Life has pretty much took over... value a lot free time now!

hi @forykw , i am happy to see you here. Welcome to the project hope buddy. And yes everyone tired from this covid-19. glad to know that there are no corona cases now. Great publication.

I will probably do more "intuitive" commenting after 9 days... I wanna see what happens in the US... after all these "revolutions"...

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Hello @forykw it's good to have peoples like you in ph community. Welcome to ph and thank you for your huge delegation to support PH. Indeed @crypto.piotr is a decent guy. Trust me his leadership skills will surprise you!

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