in Project HOPE5 years ago (edited)

Most of us want to invest, but we don't know what to invest in, or how, in reality education about that subject is very vague for most, our education is more focused on training us to be employed, to be gassy and not to save. Besides, these subjects seem to us to be of another language, most people are ignorant of them.

At the time we decide to invest a capital we must advise us, either with a specialist in the subject or with someone who knows and is of our entire confidence, many or almost all want economic independence, owning our own business, but the truth is that most are afraid, they are afraid to RISK!



As we say out there, he who does not risk does not win, the worst thing that can happen is that you do not do well and lose the investment, obviously not anything, I know, but if we do nothing and stay in the same place will not win, nor change our future. The truth is that most of the lower-middle class population are employees, spend their lives and spend hours of their time attending to someone else's business, but we have asked ourselves or our boss ¿how do I get there?


I am particularly proud of my boss, she is my friend and I know everything that she has had to go through to get where she is. She has been in the business for almost 5 years and in spite of that she has not become a millionaire. Everything has its nuances.

One of the things about these countries, or at least where I am, is that there is a lot of commerce, and most people are looking for independence, to have a little business and sell. She started a few years ago, selling a product of each thing, and reinvesting every day, and today she already has her business well established and a warehouse full of merchandise. She may well have dropped out, because the road has not been easy, but no, there she is, fighting every day. And she's not even 30 years old.



So what does that tell us, that tells us not to give up and that of course nothing is easy, if you want a better future and something of your own then you have to make your sacrifices.

Now, one thing that I think is important is the following, if we have a very large capital we can make not one but two or more investments, because if one fails we do not lose everything, in this business as well as one day we are doing well there are others where not. Of course having a business depending on what it is may be something relatively stable, but equally it is better to prevent.

Once we have that clear it is important that we organize ourselves, in my case I like to write everything, I am very intense in that aspect hehehe... We can make a chart where we place our expenses, of course in this case when having a business, here we must contemplate everything, until our salary, I have learned that the best thing is to include within the expenses not to exceed us, to have very clear that it is ours and that no, since not all the profits must be for us, the business needs to grow and also it needs constantly an injection of capital.

An example of what we could do is this chart:


We cannot be satisfied, we have to aim to grow, either with the same business or think of something bigger, it all depends on what we want, that's why the best thing is to make a life project, to ask ourselves, ¿with what purpose do we invest and where do we want to take all that? It's not just about getting money out of it, we have to be smarter and think like businessmen. Obviously that depends on each person, there are those who have a business and do not last a year, all the profits are consumed.

On the other hand there are also those investments where we put our money to produce without having something physical, a simple savings account, a time deposit, the stock market, make loans to others, there are many options today, the question is to know how to do things.

In this type of investment we have to know how long we want our money to multiply and for what purpose, it must also be a rational time, because we must wait for the money to grow and not go crazy and take it out at the first opportunity.



Another thing, I think we have to be mature enough not to waste money, just because we have a business does not mean that we will consume all the profits, on the contrary the more we save the better, for example, if we can stop riding in taxis and we can travel by bus or by bicycle, because no, it would be much better for our finances, it would be something we would save with and so on with many other things.

Finally, we must be aware that a business does not grow overnight, and just as it has its good seasons there are also bad ones, we must be patient and constant.


The painting included was designed by me.



 5 years ago  

@tipu curate