Powerful Words: COMPRESSION!

Hello dear friends, I hope you are feeling very well and have an excellent weekend. Today I bring you a very interesting topic, or at least for me it is. "THE COMPRESSION".

Do you consider yourselves to be understanding people?

First we can define understanding as follows:

” Understanding is the capacity for tolerance or patience when faced with a situation. ” Fuente




I believe that this word has a great meaning in our lives here we do not realize, many will not even think about it, but the truth is that being understanding people makes us able to be part of what we call society today. Understanding that we are all different and that there are many religions or races and that we must respect them makes us better people, more humane and aware of the realities of others.

Thinking that not only our needs are important but also those of our friends or people we know, being empathic people who put themselves in the place of others is important, our opinion is essential but knowing that others think too, because not all think the same, and good that it is because otherwise it would be very boring everything.

Being patient is also fundamental, we know that many times we go through not so good situations and we feel that we are going to explode because someone hurt us, but being patient also implies trying to understand the why? of things, if someone behaved in a certain way there is probably a justification or an explanation for it, we were not all born or live under the same conditions. There are many realities that we know for that reason before acting rashly it is better to know the origin of things.



Being more tolerant people will help us to understand that everything has a reason and a raison d'être, sometimes the environment in which a person lives or develops can affect it directly and as a consequence can modify its behavior, we know that our emotions are usually very easily modified by external agents or factors so others are not exempt from these modifications either.

Many times we think that reacting aggressively to a certain situation will help us, but the truth is that the opposite is true, it harms us physically and above all mentally, so do you think it is worth altering your peace of mind by refusing to be a little more tolerant?

I don't think so.


If we were all understanding people the world would be much better, I think that hatred and anger would not reign, and of course we would be happier people. How many of us still hold a grudge against someone who hurt us in the past or present? I think many, including myself.

Is it really worth denying yourself the opportunity to listen to that person and understand their reasons for what they did? Or is it more beneficial for us to resolve all of our issues with life and ourselves?

I think that's what understanding is also about, being able to understand that we all make mistakes and being able to give ourselves and others the opportunity to remedy them. In my opinion, this would make us more mentally stable and would give us peace and tranquility.



Let's go, let's talk and settle our differences!

Thank you so much for reading me!





Couldn't agree more! :) What a happier world it would be if some people didn't just live inside there own heads and let there perception of things prevent peace and love!

Thank you very much for commenting, my friend!

 5 years ago  

@tipu curate

Thank you very much!

a friend told me long ago that emotions are like bank accounts in which you first deposit and then when you need you can withdraw, what I mean by this is that the more understanding we are we have the possibility to be understood in the moment we need. first understand and then you can be understood

Great reflection, my friend. I think we should all enjoy that ability.

Greetings friend @franyeligonzalez, it's a pleasure to read each of your publications where you express your extraordinary reflections, the word understanding is the key to a good understanding with each of the beings around us, because we will always have moments of certain conflict with anyone, especially loved ones, and sometimes we do not have the understanding or patience needed to understand their situation and even have it mainly to ourselves and thus reflect it as rays of light in all directions, thanks friend for sharing such excellent posts with us. Successes.

Hello friend, thank you for reading my publication, you are very right, it is something very important in our lives.