Hello dear friends I hope you are very well, here I am again sharing content with all of you, I was a little lost but I have decided to return with my best wishes for all of us despite the adversities.
Today I want to talk about a topic that caught my attention when I saw it on social networks, WHY WE START UP? I imagine what is the answer of many, but anyway let's break down this question.

I think that when we have a job, or we work for others, for the dreams of others, there always comes a time when we want to run away and have our own business or simply not have to work for others, at least it happened to me. It was never bad for me, on the contrary, but there comes a point where you want to progress and get to another point where you only work for your dreams, then, the first answer would be: BE YOUR OWN BOSS AND NOT WORK FOR ANYONE ELSE'S DREAMS.
On the other hand, we always want to be free economically, reaching OUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM is a very important reason, I think all people want to reach that point, but not all of us work in a smart way to achieve it. If we do the same thing every day we will keep getting the same result, we cannot expect changes if our routine has always been the same. We must keep learning day by day.
There are people who have too much CREATIVITY and therefore need to exploit it, these are skills that not all of us have, I think that this is something that can not be lost, we must make the most of it. EXPLOIT THAT CREATIVITY IS NECESSARY TO CREATE GREAT THINGS AND PUT INTO ACTION GREAT IDEAS.

A PASSION TO SHARE, sometimes we know that we are destined to do or create something, and we must make the decision to follow our dreams and passions. Believe in ourselves and in our projects.
There are many reasons why you would like to be able to start a business, but I think the main one should be THE SEARCH FOR OUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM, working for others is not bad, but I think that spending our whole life creating the dreams of others should not be the purpose of our life, or at least that's what I think, we must think first of ourselves and our projects.
A job where we have a boss can be an opportunity in our way to get closer to what we want so much, a means to stabilize our finances, to be able to balance ourselves, among other things. I spent 2 years working in something I liked, in something I studied for, but nevertheless I still had a boss, then I worked in something I didn't like but circumstances forced me and I kept working for others, until today I am only WORKING FOR MY DREAMS AND BEING MY OWN BOSS.
Nothing in life comes overnight, we must go through many obstacles, but it is all part of our personal development and our growth as people. Believe me, this experience has made me a better person and I have matured a lot. Everything in this life is a learning experience!
Somewhere some time ago I read an article in which it was stated that there are people who are born to be employees or salaried employees of a company but not to own it, according to the article writer, this is because there are people whose personal commitment is limited and who lack self-esteem, although it may seem otherwise. He also argued that we cannot generalise that employees in general lack self-esteem, but that there is a group of employees for whom being an employee is a brake on their freedom.
Hello dear friend @franyeligonzalez.
As usual it is always a great pleasure to be able to read your extraordinary contents since they allow us to reflect on our own abilities and that in many occasions we have not been able to identify them.
I loved reading all your content especially this paragraph:
I think you are absolutely right and therein lies the key to success in all the things we propose, especially those we are passionate about. Thank you friend for sharing such excellent life content for all of us, many successes for you and your family. Greetings.
I guess we start up because we long for more. We are created to create, and we are created to invent. Just sitting around isn't what we were made for, so it is an inner yearning for more! :)
This is true and as soon as we understand this rule in life then we going to have a better life because as you mentioned things does not happen overnight and it required their required amount of time to start and bring out some fantastic outcome. you have shared a nice post about the topic and I liked reading it.
Use this as a springboard, acquire knowledge and accumulate a little capital, these jobs help at the time, but whoever is clear about what he wants for himself uses it as that, as a springboard.
Excellent post, I am very happy that you feel good about what you do.
Hello friend I think there are many reasons why people undertake, I think one of the important things to undertake is perseverance, that is the key word, keep in mind that not everything is easy but that perseverance achieves everything.