The functions of a reticular activating system.

Every human has a reticular activating system and this activating system has the tendency to stay glued to the particular believe you have and will not allow any other thing to come in there, every human has this side in their lives and it is left to them to make the decisions on what they will permit into their lives.

This reticular activating system is pushed to function based on the things we feed our minds with, if we continue to feed our minds with the information that we are unloved, it is only normal that this activated sense in us continues to feel that way and make the mind function likewise, if we always activate the feeling of being loved then it is normal that this reticular activating system will continue to make you feel loved.

The brain does not have the capacity to take in everything and so the functional reticular activating system does the job of filtering and only assimilating the things that it agrees with, you will realize how much comfortable it feels to read something that you agree with than something that you are totally against, that is the function of the reticular activating system right there.

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Hey, the reticular activating system can be controlled.

The good thing about this is that we have the power to control the function of the reticular activating system, whatever we feed the mind with provides an outcome of what our lives is going to reflect.

Visualize the change.

The test proven way to control the reticular activating system by feeding it with positive information, begins with being able to visualize it, begin to visualize what it is going to be like when you are finally able to make the required changes that your life wants, when you are finally able to talk more about what you want in life and when your self-esteem has increased seriously. It all begins with your ability to visualize what you want from life and what you really want to achieve.

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When these visualization occurs, you begin to feel really better about yourself, your brain begins to get the idea that you can demand for the good things that you want and get them. Your brain begins to help you get better at what you do and then your brain begins to get really comfortable with good things happening around.

The good thing also is that, visualization can be done every day, before you go for that business meeting visualize that you are able to close the deal, before the next interview you are able to win the contract and so on and like that you are able to re-set the way your brain operates. This will get you to be more outspoken, to be more determined to go for what you want and then follow through on it until your brain is completely re-set to think of positive things all the time.