Digital health passport.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Life continues, and despite the pandemic, countries must find alternatives that allow all economic activities to be restored, reducing the risk of contagion resulting in new major outbreaks of the virus as much as possible.



This in turn implies developing mechanisms that allow greater control over infected people. This is not an easy task due to the number of people who travel daily for work and business to other countries, or for tourism, which is another source of income for many countries.

Digital health passport.

China, one of the strongest economies on the planet and where all this began, since 2020 has had to considerably reduce flights to and from the country, allowing entry mostly to its fellow citizens and a very small number of foreigners, which has had an impact on the economy.

Thinking about how to "normalize" traffic and work, they developed a digital health passport, an instrument that consists of an application that will show the results of the vaccination history, the PCR tests and all the anticovid tests.

The "health certificate for international travel" seeks "to promote global economic recovery and facilitate border crossing" according to the Chinese government.



This technological "solution" promises to become the world's health passport, as other countries are studying, even proposing its implementation as in the case of the European Union that has proposed the "green passport."

The application a confidential QR code that will allow each government to collect the health information of travelers, and is being implemented in China to access transport and other public spaces.

Undoubtedly, the implementation of this "health passport" opens the possibility of greater traffic between countries, and will help world economic exchange, which will be very beneficial for most countries.

It is a useful and much-needed tool to continue life and slowly reactivate the ailing world economy.

Let me know your opinion!


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I agree that the technology is a available to create such a passport, but do you think that a digital passport is the way forward. If you have this, then why not attach your driving license, your actual passport, your bank card, everything will be sold to us as a simple ‘All in One’ passport. Then they apply a credit score, and ecological score, etc etc and soon we are all managed by this once harmless idea of a medical passport.
I don’t want to sound alarmist, but this is a very slippery slope from which we cannot turn back from. I feel this takes away so many of our liberties that we need to really have this discussion openly. We need to not just examine the so called positive points that you so eloquently put forward, but your report also needs to state the negatives of such a solution.

Hi dear friend @fucho80

The application a confidential QR code that will allow each government to collect the health information of travelers.

If technology evolves it is to have more control, I know that many do not agree but I do, I think that greater control is better for everyone, I think that we should all get vaccinated.

Wow what an idea they have implemented "Digital health passport". I think this is gonna be apositive for everyone and easy to use. thank you for sharing this great information.

Covid-19 doesn't seem like going anytime soon, so the need for us to adopt and live with the pandemic is our only option left. This is a great idea, a digital passport will help increase travels between countries and also help track people and reduce the spread of the virus. It is a welcomed idea.

Thanks for sharing such a nice informative article @fucho80

Hi @fucho80

This song is strange but because of covid pandemic this can't get more attention and I think that many countries might adopt it. this pandemic has affected you travel for sure and no countries will prefer traveling only for people who are Hindi earn score a minimum para meters related to their health.

Hello friend, it is an excellent idea, obviously the Chinese government always wants to have control of everything, but at the moment we are going through it seems to me something that can solve many things. Thanks for sharing it. Greetings!!!