Dear Hive
Website credibility is very important for its business. If your website is having good credibility you will gain customer and sales. Your product should speak all the saying you don't have to say word for your product.

In this article I will tell you how to generate credibility for your project, products, and services. So that you don't need to do anything to get sales.
First you need to make sure that your website is worthy and have credibility. For that you need to Describe and design it very beautiful in simple content.which will attract the customers.
Guarantee for service and products.
Your website should offer a good products and services for which you can provide a good guarantee. We all know it is very difficult to get good guarantee on internet but if you give good service and guarantee customer will visit your website again.try to give fancy offer but with quality to attract the users. Like free delivery and money back guarantee.
Contact information.
We all Heard about Google even Google require contact information in website before it approve for any commercial purposes like Google Adsense.if your website don't have contact information your customers cannot contact you. How good your products and services you provide if they cannot contact you it's not worth having your website.Try to provide all the contact information like phone number, email , address etc.
Recommendations and Testimonials.
A good recommendations and Testimonials are very good for business this will help you increase your business and trust of your customers. As a person is believing in your product and giving a recommendation of it to the other customers. You just need to tell your old customer to write a testimonial about the product and service they have used and what is their experience. In terms of service and products and then see the magic.
About us.
A small description of you and your company and the product and service is very important this will give visitors more trust as they read about your past experience and work. This will generate credibility of your website. A formal introduction and all the list of products and services with its benefit will also do.
Data and safe payment gateway.
Most of the website designers mechanically build protection capabilities into the components of a web website online in which data and statistics is exchanged.many customers don't understand that those precautions are being taken on their behalf. And all the data and transaction are safe and secure and they can perform online transaction easily without any problem.
Disclaimer and Privacy Policies.
A good business always have a disclaimer and privacy policy in their website that their data is a safe and they will sell your data to any third party for money.
Try to simplify the policy so that it can be easily understood by the visitors and they will feel safe and secure.hire a good professional to write a privacy policy.
To hold the credibility these detail assist to build it is essential to supply on the assurances every element affords. be positive to update regulations and contact facts often. Follow thru on all ensures right away and cheerfully. Assessment the protection methods on a everyday basis to be certain they are nevertheless adequate for the undertaking. With right implementation and due diligence, each of these factors will setup and upload to your online credibility.

A good website is extremely important for every business owner that is up to trend, a first look at the website could retain or send a customer away.
@tipu curate 3
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 39/78) Liquid rewards.
Hello friend, I agree, it is important that our customers feel secure with our services. It's a big investment but it's worth it to make our space reliable for all people. Greetings and thanks for sharing.
Greetings @genx-miner, when a user observes a wed site , where it is friendly, clear , instructive and interactive they quickly identify themselves and will always keep it in mind to use it. Very good post thanks for sharing.
You have to give quality in everything if you want customers to trust and patronize you. Nice read
credibility is earned through good customer service and after-sales policies.