On steem in order to have a chance to generate author rewards, you have to put a lot of energy in writing a quality content article. I think everybody would like to have a maximum output from this work. I discovered an easy way how you can earn twice from your work.
Same article in several places
Each time you publish an article on steem, the same article will be visible on many places on the net. It will show on:
- steemit.com
- steempeak.com
- busy.org
- steemd.com
- tribe pages if you add the according tab
- all the places linked to the steem blockchain that I forgot
In a way your article will never be unique, because it can be found in many places already. The idea is to find additional places where you can publish your article. There are actually many out there but not many accept you to publish canonical content (content that can be found somewhere else).
Publish your articles on publish0x
I discovered the platform publish0xpublish0x and like that he earns double from the same content. a couple of weeks ago. I realised that one of my friends from steem @juanmolina was publishing all his steem content also on this platform. He simply puts a link in a place that is planned for this to his original content on steemit. He simply publishes the same content on steem also on
How you can earn from publish0x
The concept of this platform is quite simple. You publish content and people can tip you. The tips are free but are limited in time. The person who tips can decide how much percentage of the tip will go to the author and how much of it he will keep himself. In a way there are author rewards and curator rewards like on steem but with no staking.
I don't know the tipping rules precisely but it seems that the size of your tips decreases 50% with every tip. The first tip of the day is the most powerful, the second which can be given 10 minutes later is 50% smaller and so on.
My personal routine with publish0x
I have a daily routine in which I included a short visit to publish0x. I go to the profile of my friend @juanmolina and I tip his latest article. I often choose a 50/50 split. I leave the page open and then I tip a random article. Most of the time I am paid in BAT and in a day I can easily make 0.3 BAT which is about 0.05 Usd. It's not much but my friend from Venezuela also earns about the same amount. It takes me about 1 minute to do it and I believe its worth it. This is however only for curating and I imagine that you can earn much more by producing your own articles. When I look at the articles of @juanmolina he earns between 0.05 Usd and 0.30 Usd per article. Which is in addition to what he earns for them on steem. When you remember that the average monthly salary in Venezuela is 6 Usd, then this income is quite significant.
Let's help each other
On steem we are a nice community and we can also help each other on this platform. I encourage you to open an account with publish0x. If you use this link I will earn referral commissions from your activity and I would be very greatful. If you don't want that you can register simply by using the direct address to join https://www.publish0x.com.
Then let's connect on publish0x. We can follow each other there and tip each others posts.
If you have an account on publish0x, please write your username in a comment below. So I can follow you and tip your content. My username on this platform is achim03
my profile on publish0x and what I have earned so far. I registered in march 2019 but I stared to use the platform a couple of weeks ago
by @achim03
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Hi brother @achim03, how you doing?
I feel glad to have been an inspiration for this collaborative post.
I take this opportunity to tell you my experience with Publish0x:
On one occasion my account was suspended because the authorities of the platform considered that I had incurred in violation of the "Terms and Conditions".
Through an email exchange I could explain that all published content is my own and that it mostly came from my steemit blog.
Here I leave a sample of my earnings for life in Publish0x:
Thanks a lot for your comment and your inspiration. You can count on my regular tips ;-)
Best regards,
Thank you very much my friend.
Can you explain what this means? On publish0x, I can say on publish0x article last line in article to "first appeared on my blog @ canonicalURL"? This is okay? I noticed steemit, publish0x, and my blog all have canonical URL. So I always wonder who Google consider the authority. If your blog doesn't appear then that is a problem I think.
Hello friend @achim03 thanks for the advice.
I created an account on publish0x a few months ago but I did not continue publishing it now I will retake my username on publish0x is fucho80.
I´ll looking for you.
Hi my friend,
Thank you for your comment. I found your account and also gave you a first tip.
Best regards,
Oh I have an account there since many weeks ago, but I relegated its use until now. I'm going to add you there, and the other friends of the project Hope.
Posted using Partiko Android
´ll see you there
Thank you for your comment. I found your account and am following you.
You know I publish articles on publishX, got 2 dollars worth of bat for it. But unlike what you suggest, I tip only articles that are well written, I don't tip just to earn some bat points you know, I would never do that. Anyway...nice try , happy chrishmas.
Thanks a lot for your comment. I think you got me wrong. I don't tip bad content. The articles of my friends here on project.hope are in general very well written and I prefer to tip people that I know and that need the money most.Hi @mintymile,
Best regards,
Thanks for the information, for a few months I have an account at https://www.publish0x.com/ but I had not decided to write there, I did not know that I could take advantage of my Steem writings, but now I will take advantage of that hahaha
I will follow your accounts :) As always, my user there is pedrobrito2004
Thanks a lot for your comment. I've found your account and will give you a tip as soon as I have some available ;-)
Best regards,
I only saw that you had a couple of posts, but I discovered that there was a limit of times that you can reward a post from a particular author.
Exactly I fail to write posts lately ;-). Thanks for trying.
Best regards,