Hello Everyone!! It's really nice to see you having a great time scrolling through your post feed, I'm very glad you stumbled upon this post and hope you'll enjoy reading this 😊.
I am quite sure you might have came across some people whom you may never want to meet again in your life due to the type of experience you had from them and you may also have came across some set of people whom might have laid a very good and positive impact in your life making you have more memories of them anytime you tend to remember such moments or your experiences with them.
Well, that's people for you. You either meet some people as a blessing and you meet some people as a lesson but in my case i met someone known as Crypto Piotr as a blessing. I'll be sharing with you some of my personal experiences with Crypto Piotr and his great impact in my life. I suggest you grab your coffee and some delicious pop corn as you read along this post.
Where Should I Start From ? 🤔... How it all Started
I don't know if you once experienced how difficult it was to earn good quality upvotes and publicity for your quality contents on Steemit. It wasn't really easy back then but the fact it wasn't easy for hardworking minnows like us back then doesn't justify the fact that some other bloggers were also earning so big on the platform via the support of some whales.
I got so terrified whenever I came across posts with low quality content or spammy content earning more visibility and great author rewards unlike young minnows like us who keep striving hard to achieve this result. This actually made me solicited for advice from existing users on the platform about how Steemit works (who knows if I'm doing the wrong thing ☹️). I noticed all the tips most existing users gave me were actually what I had always been doing but there wasn't any positive result.
Some of the tips I got was to avoid plagiarism, avoid begging for upvote on people comment section, always make good quality post and always make good quality comments mostly on some whales post to earn cool upvotes which also helps to increase one's level of engagement, stay consistent and never give up.
I had always practiced most of these tips listed above but it's like they don't seem to work for me. I felt like I was just wasting my time, resources and energy since nothing positive seems to be happening as expected. This actually made me develop the thought of giving up since Steemit wasn't for me ☹️
The Moment I was Waiting For
While I thought of giving up on Steemit, there was also another thought in my mind telling me not to give up since consistency is one of the principal key to achieve success on Steemit. Another thought kept ringing in my mind that "for how many years would I need to stay consistent since there haven't been any improvement so far". I think this has to do with the battle of the mind sometimes when it comes to decision making, I'm definitely sure you might have experienced such occurrence before though.
I had to succumb to the positive thought of not giving up and staying consistent. Ever since I made that decision, I started noticing some little changes in terms of my number of followers increasing little by little and the upvote seems to be increasing little compared to the previous post payout. I could remember my highest post payout was in the range of $0.9 - $1.2 back then. At least it's really cool compared to the $0.20 - $0.15 and $0.25 i was making back then.
An Angel Came To Change the Game😎

I think everyone actually has a turning point in his or her life and this is why I do tell people anything can happen at any time provided you believe in yourself and don't give up. This was really what happened in my case!
I could remember applying for a contest back then which has to do with blockchain technology and cryptocurrency around 2018. There were lot of contesters who took part in the contest but I never allowed that to determine my fate as someone who is passionate about winning.
While scrolling through the comment section of the contest article I submitted, I came across a great man known as @crypto.piotr 😊. He read my post and inspired me by making me realize that I can achieve great things in life. He gave me that sense of confidence when it comes to writing articles on Steemit making me feel like I can also grow my reputation, earn more followers and start earning cool upvotes for my activities on Steemit.
I think some of us just need that special someone to bring out the best in us which tend to unleash great things we can achieve. After knowing @crypto.piotr for the past two years, you won't believe I've developed a different mindset and doctrine about life because of his kind words of encouragement.
This is why I sometimes prefer chatting with him whenever I'm less busy just to learn more from him and he's always available despite his busy and tight schedule but trust me you won't want to end your conversation with him whenever you chat with him 😊.
The Project Hope Initiative
There's actually no doubt that Project Hope has been one of the top leading community with above 3,000 subscribers and this community is being managed and governed by this great man known as @crypto.piotr with support of his lovely team members.
Project Hope is known for it's ability to give hope to users who might have lost hope making them feel like giving up just like what happened to me during my early usage of this platform.One of the core reasons for creating @project.hope was due to the fact that there are also lot of good content creators out there who seem to have little or no support and engagement for their quality content on this platform. As the name implies
It's really good to know that @crypto.piotr has also been helping others grow on this platform and this is why most people I've met are always saying something good about @crypto.piotr due to his good character and positive impact in their lives. You can ask some Africans or some Venezuelan citizens who are on this platform about @crypto.piotr and watch how they tell you his great impacts in their lives.
The last but not the Least
If I'm to keep writing about @crypto.piotr, you're really gonna read a lot of credible characteristics through out the day but I think it's time to put an end to this.
I have never regretted knowing @crypto.piotr and I am also happy to be a member of @project.hope community. I'm also thankful to @crypto.piotr for bringing out the best in me 😊💓.
Important Note: @crypto.piotr never sent me to write about him or do something like this, I'm the type of person that love keeping memories and I'll be glad to read this same publication about @crypto.piotr on my blog more coming years to come
😊Thanks for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla💓❤️💕

I did not understand why goodbye thought? You are leaving the project? Or you are changing paths in your life and can't post more on the community?
The goodbye is simply the end of the article.
Yeah... got it now... all the text of "thanking" I miss-interpreted as being a "goodbye" too. I often only say goodbye if I am going away from someplace. Here for me, it's not a goodbye, it's more like "see you around" or "until the next post" or "that's all I wanted to say".
Anyway... no bother, clarified now.
Thanks for understanding @forykw 😊
Where did you see author saying goodbye? It looks like I've missed that part about saying goodbye @forykw in this post. I still cannot find it ...
But my bad if my interpretation of the post was not about a "goodbye". Reading it seemed like one. No? Then don't bother then.
Strange ... I will contact an author and ask him about it. I hope he isn't going anywhere ...thx for reply @forykw
It's his way to end his post ^_^. Nothing further
Hey dude, glad to see you are still here plugging away. I'm trying to be back just a bit lost like a newb again! Hope you're doing well.
@bitfiend it's really great to have you back and I can't wait to see you start posting your content on the platform.
Thanks I am hoping to have more time to do it! I miss making my posts also!
Lol... It simply means I'm ending the article.
He's truly a great man, the one figure on Blockchain that I ever know, always support us to making a better. I remember the first contest about cryptocurrency n Blockchain when first on Steemit and I remember about you too @hardaeborla.
Thank you so much @crypto.piotr have your great day with your family.
Thank you for your lovely comment @dwiitavita
Most welcome 😊
good article, this is a great example of a great leader and an excellent person thanks for everything @crypto.piotr
@tipu curate 8
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 30/150) Liquid rewards.
Everything alright?
Nice one 😊
He is a great guy. He deserves everything you have written about him
It's true that he has helped many to grow here on this platform and I am also the one who is here because of him.Hi @hardaeborla thanks for sharing this awesome post in which you talk about the amazing man @crypto.piotr
very true and even in my journey his contribution is amazing. Like you I am also happy that I got connect with him and part of the great PH family.
@alokkumar121 it's really great reading your opinion about @crypto.piotr and I also agree with your points.
Thanks for your lovely comment 💕💓
This is so nice it is great to take out time to celebrate people regularly, @piotr is indeed a great man and has helped a lot of people.
I am really impressed about how he values the engagement, interactions, promotion and helping others.I guess , I know @crypto.piotr from very start of his blockchain journey in steem.
He kept his learning path growing and along with he is helping lot of others in learning and earning.
I remember casting my votes for him (I completely forget now what initiative it was, but in the end he withdrew for supporting the interest of a Venezuelan community.) .It shows how much he cared for community instead of his own interest.
I guess afterwards he created "Project Hope" for all.
I will like to give shout to @nathanmars (In case if he do not know about crypto.piotr) because I think crypto.piotr is one of the influencer and community leader that nathan might be looking at.
Hello friend, a beautiful publication for our dear friend @crypto.piotr the truth we all know he is a great person and deserves all our appreciation. A great leader and a great friend! Greetings.
This reads almost like an obituary. I can't put my finger on it, but something about it just doesn't feel right to me as a reader.
Very good publication friend, I think many of us have had those feelings at some point when we do not have the support we believe deserves our effort, however, thanks to Project Hope and the friend @crypto.piotr, we have found a space where our content is well valued, no doubt he is a great person and does a great job on this platform.
@crypto.piotr, brought me to the PH community and I am very grateful to him for inviting me.
He is a very nice person because he cares (is always willing to help) with everyone who is part of that family. Such a nice person.
Hi @hardaeborla
It has really been wonderful to read you, even more so when I share in a very satisfactory way what you highlight from @crypto.piotr, an altruist that we were lucky enough to find on this platform.
In particular, I thank you for your accurate and timely suggestions that you have given me in the time I have in the community, always oriented in a positive way.
I am really happy to be part of Project HOPE and to have @crypto.piotr as a leader in the community.
Thank you for this wonderful reading and may the successes continue!
@hardaeborla Thanks for writing up this post about @crypto-piotr - he's such a wise and great person, he got my fully support for the Project HOPE!
Two thumbs up :)
This is beautiful!!! Honestly, when you interact with this great man, I bet you, you will definitely not going to regret it!
I have tested and see it myself. And I have counted myself as one of the luckiest individuals on this ecosystem!!
Thank you so much @crypto.piotr for the positive impacts
I must say, @crypto.piotr has been a blessing to many people (me included). Posterity will always remember his acts of kindness
Love this post. A truely deserved homage to my friend Piotr ;-)
I'm glad you love it.. Thank you for your lovely comment ❤️💕
Upvote and reblog
@crypto.piotr has been one of the heroes of the minnows. He didn't get much attention from the whales and wasn't trending all the time. But for the little guys here his work and supported mattered a lot. I thought this'll be a fitting share:
A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.
She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!”
The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied,
“Well, I made a difference for that one!”
The old man looked at the girl inquisitively and thought about what she had done and said. Inspired, he joined the little girl in throwing starfish back into the sea. Soon others joined, and all the starfish were saved.
Love that story @d-zero :)
yeah...all this is true. You have mentioned this earlier too in another article. I thank @crypto.piotr for his intiative.
For you, its just steemit, for me his encouragement went beyond mere votes in Steemit. It made me, write and explore cryptocurrency. I am someone, who is struggling in writting but somehow, those hiccups have gone.
He inspires me to write good content rather than writting to earn votes...
He also is very generous, kind and its great to have encountered him here.
I am actually connected with all this more after understanding the struggles and pains he took for kickstarting his iniative, I always want to support in any way I can, the PH community.
And the journey continues, not me alone, the growth and sustainability of PH...its exciting to see how it would evole.
Hello! :D
Thank you for including me in this. :D
God bless you and @project.hope. :D Have an awesome day! :D
Nice read, and thanks for the mention. I actually met Crypto Piotr on steemit a few years ago. He seems to do a lot for the community and is very passionate about it! He was sending me memo's about great articles to read up on and was asking for my input. While some of his memo's were very automated and I'm not sure why he chose me to be on his list it didn't bother me, I just sometimes wondered if he was genuine about reaching out to me specifically, or if I was just another number to him for his social marketing tactics. He did stop by my blog a few times, and even asked where I had disappeared to, so that kinda answered my question!
So I wonder the same about you, or at least, what coerced you to mention me / tag me other than to bring me out of the shadows and have a read? or did you just randomly copy and paste a list of recently active members to mention? I only ask because I haven't seen your name before. Did you rebrand for hive?
Either way is fine, I'm just curious. I actually just started to log back in and am hoping to start blogging again but real life and work has really gotten in the way for the last 2 years. Reading your article reminds me of the work I used to put into these. It was fun cause I had the time...we'll see how it works out when I don't :) Take care.
hi @bitfiend
Anyone who replied and engaged back with me mattered to me :)
Good to hear it, and happy to see you're still around bringing hope to the platform.
Love that you put this post together. I too received similar comments. Did not need them IMO. Earning before Project Hope came through contests. I never liked that this was my only real option, but I did managed to hit the top 3 for four consecutive week, winning two outright. This was a lot of work and proved to be unreliable as I believe, while my content was appreciated, I did not deserve to drop out of the top ten. Again though, relying on a sort of lottery/promotional resource for income is no way to plan for the future. I began to wane from Steemit and crypto. Actually found writing more fun on Whaleshares to increase my crypto stake and then just write for fiat for funds for daily expenses. There are still issues for me on Hive and especially Steemit in terms of getting my money out. And I realize PH has limited funds so I cannot just write a couple of news briefs a day to replace my fiat income, but there's indeed hope here- as well as nearly competitive returns to the minimum wage rate. Thus, with crypto becoming mainstream, we have a real advantage in developing this community. For the time being, we can find solace in knowing that we reach and uplift many who do not have the best options. All (much:) thanks to Coach Piotr.
And thanks again for strengthening the community @hardaeborla.
P.S. @HiveDevs @therealwolf @netuoso @blocktrades Would have been nice to see your "cc:" enter my notifications- is there a potential spam issue here? There's a lot of untapped potential.
I'm not sure why there wasn't a notification about his cc, maybe there were so many it blew some kind of limit. I'll check into it when I get a chance.
Well deserved post for @crypto.piotr. He is always supporting the quality content and always coming up with new ideas to empower @project.hope community.
He's always supportive!
Greetings @hardaeborla excellent description that you make about the clear, precise and concise objectives that are pursued behind the community of @project.hope and which directs @crypto.piotr, in the little time that I have in the platform I have been able to realize that he is a man committed to the project and with each of the members that we make life in PH, so much that there is a direct treatment for the users of the community, which I consider an arduous task knowing that every day the number of participants increases. Thank you in advance and we continue reading.
Thanks for the great commendation 💕😊
Definitely a great man indeed, thanks for your time and effort. It is people like @crypto.piotr that keeps platforms like hive and steemit running
Thank you for your lovely comment 💓💕
Successes. Success is my sincere wish. Congratulations.
Success 💪😎
Hi @hardaeborla
First of thanks to you for sharing this nice post about Piotr and needless to say that is a great man. he has done a lot for PH family what it is today and he is working very hard to take it to the next level.
I am glad that I got the opportunity to connect with him. thanks.
Thank you for your lovely comment 💕💓❤️
Praise well deserved!
Thank you
Greetings friend, what a great story, we all passed through there in our beginnings, we felt that we lost hope, but time showed us that if we could move forward, no doubt the friend @crypto. Piort has a clear objective to help many authors, I'm glad that you are today sharing with us the experience and being grateful with who helped you and continues helping many authors.
See you later friend, blessings !
Wow! What a very lovely comment about @crypto.piotr from you.. Thanks for your comment 💓💕❤️
He is one of those who never takes credit for what he does yet he never fails to help those in need.Dear @hardaeborla a well written post indeed . Upvoted and reblogged You are right people like @cryto.piotr are different to come by.
Thanks for your lovely comment @thetimetravelerz and thanks for the great support once again
I had the great pleasure of meeting the great PIOTR several times, about 2 years ago when he lived here in Chiang Mai. He is an intelligent, focused, and inspiring man. He's great company, whether discussing significant issues over dinner or chatting over a beer or coffee.
Sometimes, our chats went on for hours, and I learned plenty from him. The most important thing I learned is that he is not only a true gentleman, but he is also supremely altruistic. For him, Steemit / Hive is first and foremost a platform on which he can work for the benefit of the entire community, not only for his own advantage.
Since then, Crypto.Piotr provided much support to us all, primarily by initiating Project Hope. We can be certain that we will all continue to gain from his support. Let's all do what we can to support Crypto.Piotr, too.
Very true post. I must say that most of my success on this blockchain is attributed to this single man @crypto.piotr. he is a very good man and someone who is down to earth. I am super proud of the community he has built and I am so proud to be in this community.
Nice one brother
@Crypto.piotr has really done a lot for many people within and outside the PH community. Thanks for writing this and sharing your story. Cheers!
very hopeful message. i needed it. thank you!!