I'm a programmer and it's hard for me to understand your post, it's necessary to have a level of programming to be able to assimilate what you explain.
I imagine it's an excellent idea to program a kind of robot that does the task of trading for you. Especially when you are not near a computer.
Especially at times like these, that situation surprisingly affected all crypto coins and made the value of the BTC go down an awful lot.
Perhaps a robot that is constantly monitoring the events would have acted quickly, watching the trend and thus avoiding losing the money, investing or keeping the money in stable crypto such as USDT, TUSD, etc.
I wonder if these robots have the ability to have artificial intelligence or machine learning?
Thanks for sharing! :D
Metatrader programming language (MQL5) is based on C++ but aimed to build specific application to the trading terminal.
While learning C++ isn't a pre-requisite to learn MQL5, a basic understanding about programming logic is definetly needed.
The thing about trading robots is that they don't do any miracle, and they are as good as the trader using them.
To make a good use of one, the trader must understand how it works, and even when to turn it off.
It's a bit advanced to me, but i have seen some articles about these kinds of robots.
I will check more about MQL5 anytime soon :)