Organizations and Generational Diversity

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)


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Generational Diversity is considered as a management tool that consists of a mix of people from different generations in a work team.
It represents today more than ever an opportunity in the management environment, contrary to how it was envisioned a decade ago.
Among the advantages that can be gained in organizations are the proposals and strategies formulated as a result of the combination of different points of view, experiences, and motivations.
It is important to highlight the main characteristics of each group that make up the classification of generational diversity in order to understand their importance within organizations.
Four groups can be considered, as detailed below:

1.-Baby Boomers:

This group is made up of people born between 1945 and 1964, aged between 57 and 76, considered to be of mature age.
They are mostly methodical, calm, planned, and very committed to the company.
However, there is a disadvantage in this group: they tend to be very intolerant of change, showing a certain reluctance to change.

2.-Generation X:

Those born between 1965 and 1981, aged between 40 and 56.

They have a high level of education, high professionalism, well-defined goals, and a great willingness to achieve professional and job stability.

This group is made up of those born between 1982 and 1994, whose ages range between 27 and 39 years old.

They are characterized by being highly educated, with undergraduate and postgraduate studies, including command of languages, technology, and communication.

They are highly interactive people with a great willingness to adapt to the changes that arise.

However, the disadvantage that can be highlighted in this group is that they are highly critical and question the authority of their bosses in any situation that warrants it, so occasionally they tend to be constantly in search of better job opportunities.

4.- Centennials:

This is the group of people who were born from 1995 to the present day.

They are characterized by being lovers of innovation, technology, communication, and interaction, as well as connectivity, all of which are part of their daily lives, playing a fundamental role.
Another of their outstanding characteristics is that they have a high sense of competence, but they are very little committed to the organization, the latter being an aspect to be considered by management.
As can be seen in the above classification, each group represents a combination of contrasting aspects within the organization.
In conclusion, generational diversity in organizations is of great importance and represents today more than ever a very effective management tool for those organizations that channel these teams towards the achievement of the proposed objectives, on the basis of innovation, creativity, commitment, and effort.



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Reference Sources

Diversidad Generacional
Gestión de la diversidad en las organizaciones
Los Millennials o Generación Y


Thank you for your time

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It is impressive to see these groups starting from their generational differences. Each one has its particularity, some advantages and disadvantages there are of being born in any of them.
I think each group has important things to contribute.Hello @janettyanez

That's right! In the diversity of criteria, excellent results can be obtained.
Thanks for your visit and comment.
Have a great day!Hi @josevas217

it is a joy to know that I am one of the first millennials and the truth is that you describe very well the personality of this generational group, I felt identified with the description, on the other hand I think that if a company has a good manager or leader who is able to unite the work groups the generational gap will not be very important for the team.

This would be ideal if the team could be integrated with generational diversity.
Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment
Best regards.Hello @trabajosdelsiglo

 4 years ago  

And as time goes by, other names will continue to be added to identify these new names.

@tipu curate 3

That's right my friend, more groups will be added with the characteristics that will emerge in the new generations.
Thanks for your visit and comment.
Best regards.Hi @lanzjoseg

Hello friend, excellent publication, I think it is important to highlight these characteristics, so we know how to differentiate very well each type of people. In my opinion each generation has great qualities to contribute to the world, all have great benefits. Greetings!

That's right, all generations have something to contribute to organizations, their experience and knowledge can be of great help.
Thank you for your visit and lovely comment.
Have a great day!
Best regards.Hi @franyeligonzalez