in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hardship According to English dictionary is any countable or uncountable difficulty,from the internet Hardship is a severe suffering or privation,destitution,poverty e.t.c.

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Ones present stage or difficulty stage doesn't necessarily mean one is going through hardship,your in ability to have a way of or failure to have plans to overcome your present state of difficulty is Hardship Omolara Idowu(2021) Hardship is a situation that is hard to endure.

Ways out of Hardship
Acknowledge you are actually in a state of Hardship like the common words says ignorance is a big disease, your lack of knowledge about your state will deepen you into more difficult state.

Have a changed mindset: be determined to leave the difficult state, it a thing to acknowledge and it another to want to leave the state. Don't be satisfied with set back or difficulty.

Make a move: take a bold step on what you can actually do to come out of your present stage or state. Get something doing and don't wait for multiplication when you have nothing in your hand that can be multiplied. Get a hand work or a business. Take risk

Build Relationship: Don't assume you can get of your state yourself, get a helping hand at can assist you rise up.

Embrace your present situation and be ready to face it and refuse to give up as you do something.

Don't Give up: never should you be satisfied with your present situation better days ahead of your struggles.

Pray: Men ought to pray for them not to be a prey. Life is spiritual.
We all face adversity from time to time, but some of us are able to flourish when things get difficult, while others seem to struggle getting out of bed in the morning. Successful people have found a way to jump hurdles and navigate around roadblocks that would stop others completely.

Conclusion you haven't seen the best of yourself until you stand up to face your present situation to overcome Hardship,then you will realize that there is a bigger you within. You can do it yourself present difficult state can be a thing of the past when you stand up to it.

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