This is an interesting article, a different (and I think ideal) way of organizing your efforts and directing them towards a specific objective, the first thing is to have clear goals, obviously, and most people should allocate that way is a part of what they earn here to grow their accounts. But, the economic realities sometimes don't allow that, and that's understood.Hello @achim03
But as you say, when you grow steadily the profit is exponential and that is very good. It ends up generating more and more profit.
For many people the money earned on this platform is needed for daily survival but I think even for these people, it is important to try to make their account grow. It's like an investment in their own future.Hi @josevas217,
We should all strive to become dolphins, orcas and whales. If you have many friends who do the same, then we profit in an exponential way!
Thanks a lot for your comment!