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RE: 6 Effective and Proven Ways to Lose All Your Money

in Project HOPE5 years ago

PONZI schemes are a scam method that has borne fruit throughout history.
The good thing is that since they are already so well known, then they are easy to identify and avoid.

Although cheats always seek to innovate their methods.


There are always new and new victims. Anso new foprms of the same Ponzi scheme. Like some crypto-scams.

A large Ponzi series caused political unrest in a whole country. Read this if you wish, it is short:

Pyramid schemes in Albania
Pyramid schemes in Albania were Ponzi schemes that precipitated the 1997 unrest in Albania. They started operations in 1991 with the first being formed by Hajdin Sejdia. After starting works for the construction of an alleged hotel in central Tirana, he escaped to Switzerland with several million dollars. The area became known as Hajdin Sejdia's Hole.

 5 years ago  

Thanks for the link, dear friend.