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RE: Now Diabetes Patient Can Use Stevia As a Substitute For Sugar ( Business idea and Helping the Patient )

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Houston, we have a problem!

Friend @sardar-sani.

I must confess that I liked your post. Especially since my mother is diabetic.
She is fully aware of her illness and the risks it entails, which is why she avoids the consumption of sugar.
For several years my mother used artificial sweeteners based on Aspartamen. She has also used Stevia on occasion.

But, by passing your text through the plagiarism detector, I was able to find segments of your post, which were a simple copy / paste.

Also, you paraphrased, which is the worst kind of plagiarism there is, do you know why? Because if you simply do copy / paste, we could assume that you "forgot" to indicate the source of origin, but when you do "spinning words", you show a whole methodical process with premeditation towards the realization of the act.

Finally I must ask you to use "Quotes".
For this you must do the following:
Use the command ">" followed by a space + text to quote. And set the source using [text]+(link source).
It should look like this:

Diabetes has become more common in countries where food is plentiful. Excess sugar consumption can lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems. However, its relationship with type 2 diabetes is still complex and unclear.

I know you want to do your best, but you should keep these details in mind. Above all so that you can make statements like this:

This post is free from any plagiarisms and scam.

and so you can be proud to use our anti-plagiarism banner.

As long as you don't correct this behavior, you won't be successful.


thanks for your response i will care in next publication.. You have thought me something. I think human can learn best from his mistake, and mistakes are good teacher.