The Safe Way Of Taking Risks As An Entrepreneur - Part 3

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Good day everyone! This is the Part 3 of this interesting, informative and educative series, titled, The Safe Way Of Taking Risks As An Entrepreneur. If you have not read the Part 1 and Part 2, I advice you to read it before going on with this article, by clicking here for Part 1 and here for Part 2. Risk taking is a must in any business, because no one has seen the future, hence, any choice you are taking now is a risk. But knowing how to make safe risks is very important for every entrepreneur, as every entrepreneur want to be almost certain of making profits from their business. In this article, I will be sharing with you all, one solid way to ensure that you will be able to take safe risk in your business.


Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Commit Fully

This is yet another way to ensure your risks are safer as an entrepreneur. To commit fully means, to put all your time, effort and money in the investment or business you want to start. Note: Don't put all your money in any investment, you can never tell the future and the outcome. As the major says goes, "Never put all your eggs in one basket". Although, it works for some people, but it becomes very risky, and this article is about helping you to make safer risks, hence, don't put all your money in any investment. But you should put 100% of your time and effort in that investment or business you believe in. Whenever you want something badly, you have to fully commit to it. Be it education, skill acquisition or business and so on. You have to commit fully in it, if you want to see success. Committing fully in any business, makes it a safer risk.


Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

You committing fully for your business just made the risk of starting the business safer. You have to dedicate your time and resources to understanding everything about the business. You see all these big companies around you, such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Tecno, Apple, Samsung and the rest. You think they are not fully committed? They are fully committed to the success of their business completely. Many people are not that committed to their business. As soon as they come across any hurdle, they back out and run. But to be fully committed, means you will be sticking to the business until it succeeds. Any hurdle that comes your way, you figure out a way to get over it because you are fully committed to making your business a success. One of the safest way to take risk as an entrepreneur is by committing fully to your business.


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I hope you found this article quite interesting, educative and informative, if so, do well to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.

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Yeah you really need to be committed and committed fully for businesses or ideas to yield. Commitment to making it work. Nice piece

Yeah, when an entrepreneur is fully committed to his/her business, there's quite a huge chance that such business will be successful. Thanks for coming around @valchiz