What is important, What is not?
Does labelling some tasks as "important" and rest "not so important", justified?
Let suppose if on any given day we are involved in a certain "important" task for 9 hours, which is 37.5 % of the total 24 hours, does this mean that the rest 62.5% of the day was worthless?
Every day we are involved in many activities but how can we segregate some activities as important and others not?
And if some task is not important, why do we bother to do it in the first place? Why don't we skip it altogether?
Can we carry out our daily routine without those activities we considered as " not important"?
If the answer is NO, then these activities that we were calling "not important" becomes important too.
Life is not just about some specific "important" tasks, it is about the process and the journey.
We cannot enjoy the process if we consider some tasks more important than others. Giving equal importance to each task will help us enjoy the journey even more.
Making your bed is equally important as attending your meeting.
We cannot just categorize tasks on the basis of benefits we are receiving, some tasks bring us immediate returns and others will be beneficial in the long run.
Life must be seen in its entirety and not just some specific tasks.
But, where is it coming from?
When we were kids, everything was important for us. But as we grew, our education system/society made us realise that unless we focus on important topics/tasks we will not be able to get more marks or a better future.
What are your views?
I think this is relative because what we do every day is to prioritize our activities since this is part of planning or habits that each one has.
IF I eat breakfast first and then I bathe, that does not mean that breakfast is more important, but it is simply an order of priorities that must be followed, without this diminishing the importance of the tasks we do every day.
I perfectly understand what you are saying, but I see the point rather as processes that we must follow daily for different reasons, and that do not mean that they are more or less important in the order in which they are done, but that they simply must be done that way for convenience, comfort. and logic.
Actually we was started understanding these things when we grew and then we diversified these things in important and not important. And also the background is matter and it effect person's life.
As we grow, the order of priorities of the activities to be carried out daily is mostly related to the objective pursued by the person.
As well as how planned it is.
Excellent reflection, thank you for sharing.
have a great day!
Regards.Hello @knowledgefruit
Interesting piece. Thanks