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RE: Project Hope and education

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I want to take this space to dedicate a few brief lines to thank Piotr, Juan Molina, Jose Lanz, the entire core team of Project.HOPE and especially you Jose for giving me the opportunity to be part of this academic training initiative (virtual English course), I will always be grateful to you for helping me to start this phase of training to master the English language. Since I arrived at Project.HOPE I have realized the great effort you make as a team to consolidate this community in all facets (creation of quality content, interaction, academic training, social support), and beyond any adverse scenarios and attacks that are executed against PH, what stands out in this community is the human side of those who lead and integrate this project. Thank you for everything, thank you very much.


There is no doubt that the idea is that we can all grow, and as you say, regardless of the attacks on the project, what we are looking for is growth, and not only economically, which we are very clear that it is currently a very important point for everyone.thanks to you for the great work you've been doing.Thank you for this comment @lupafilotaxia.