EOS Connects with Google Cloud

EOS Connects with Google Cloud


Three crucial factors are currently at play within the EOS network. These are:

the centralization argument
appropriate block producer representation (in terms of community contribution)
network efficiency and overall performance

EOSIO blockchain technology is meant to provide sustenance for developers’ dreams. Being open source, nimble, and effective are all core to its programming. The EOS cryptocurrency and resulting network is the most powerful application of EOSIO. This is why whenever critics raise concerns over centralization, there should be more than surface layer introspection.

Representation and Performance. The EOS block producer paradigm allows for motivated parties to rise in influence. It's not a perfect system just yet. The relatively low ranking of EOS Authority attests to this situation. Still, the community is diligently at work to resolve the most pertinent issues. An immensely, substantial change will likely be the new resource model. It illustrates the continuous effort of the community to find the right balance for the EOS network.

Centralization. Of the three issues listed above, the centralization argument may have just been tamed. It will be hard for some to believe that a Big Tech company can be part of the solution. With the 21 BP dynamic, it is possible. That is, if the company maintains influence over just one BP slot:

“Google Cloud will become a block producer candidate on the EOS network”


While EOS users maintain a focus on the centralization argument, Google Cloud as a powerful ally could outshine many of the present challenges. Among the most critical aspects of centralization has been the clustering of block producers around Asia. With the interest of one of the world's most powerful entities in the digital space, an undeniably more balanced and global block production distribution instantly manifests for the EOS network.

Balance with Power

Amazon leverages Hyperledger. So does IBM and Oracle. It’s hard to imagine a mid-sized business not factoring this into their plans when deciding whether to build on Ethereum or EOS.

With the addition of Google Cloud as a block producer, this hesitation instantly becomes a moot point.


In their press release, Google Cloud highlighted several ways in which it could strengthen the EOS network and work to help advance the EOSIO protocol. This includes:

and overall global infrastructure

Google Cloud has already stated that it will work to support open-source development. While the focus is on developer communities in both the mainstream and blockchain worlds, users stand to benefit as they collide.


But does this mean that EOS will be more centralized with Google cloud? Answer this with the following question: How welcomed is Google in Asia? Especially as it compares to the block producers of the region.

Beyond such questions, are concepts of transitioning from traditional financial systems toward a more blockchain-friendly online environment. Leveraging Hyperledger has been slow; making this transition hard, probably even for large corporations.

EOS is anything but slow and Google Cloud brings substantial lift so that a somewhat distant user base can take flight.

Please be mindful that recent news centered around block production via cloud services. Still, it's hard imagining the tech behemoth not becoming invested in other ways- especially as more corporations enter the space.


In other recent news, Block.One appointed R. Martin Chavez, a veteran Goldman Sachs executive, to chair its advisory board. Chavez could provide invaluable insight into the needs and wants of corporations seeking to employ blockchain tech. His presence should also be of benefit in ascertaining potential divergence between Hyperledger influencer groups like IBM, Oracle, and Amazon with EOS, Google Cloud, and the open source community.

Time and again, the emergence of new blockchain technology has demonstrated that a single solution is not the endgame. Instead, a network based on blockchain principles is needed to advance the digital age into a fair, value-driven, and open participatory system.

* Here's a link to my original publication. *

feel free to visit the launch post for dialingUP


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 4 years ago  

@tipu curate 4

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 56/112) Liquid rewards.

what the hell lol what sort of mana is that, not RC credits of hive is it? how does hive even work now lol

@tipu can u please add hive engine tokens or at least swap.BTC or betetr yet PBTC so we can start using the eosfinex peg bitfinex made its BTC on EOS https://ptokens.io

we need PHIVE one os and erc20 with their service

yup #EOS is now in the top21 group

hey but be careful @dan has announced his intentions to turn EOS into a 20 trillion supply us sdollar system with 5% inflation a yera creating 1 trillon tokens so dont epxect eos to be worth more than $1 or maybe $10 or $20 liek last time but tehyre gona inflate it to USE it

none of the BPs liek google and FAANg companeis iwlls ay no when gopldman sachs is a eos bP lol and golkdmans sachs alerayd joined

eos is the illuminatio but its open source and uc an show ur place n the giant pyramid but its aholographic pyramid




Have you considered the competitive environment of IBM, Amazon and such working to adopt ETH tech. There's a lot of crazy factors at play. I hope that Sachs guy believes in blockchain as it should be.

Regardless of what the future holds, this was definitely a noteworthy event in the history of EOS, and as Google Cloud's gateway to the network, we were happy to be part of it! 🚀

Thanks for stopping by. Can't Hardly Wait for what's on the horizon...