What Does It Really Take To Become Successful?

in Project HOPE2 months ago

Image source - Pexels

We all want success to be easy. They tell us that you should follow your passion and everything would be smooth and simple. But what they did not tell you is that you'll have to spend more hours at work than your peers, if you want to do better than them. They did not tell you of the sacrifice involved in the process. Let no one deceive you; to be successful isn't easy. Only about 5% of the world population are really successful people.

If it was that easy, then everyone should have been successful. But no, it's not. The world is filled with people that dream of been successful, but when it comes down to doing what it takes, they're too unwilling to go through the sacrifice. The problem is that we've been brainwashed by movies and TV shows that you can have it both ways easily. You can sit down all day and watch your favorite TV show and your money will just be pilling up. These are fairy tales.

I personally feel that you will become successful when you really face reality. And understand that to be outstanding, you must be different. You must do what others are either scared of doing or too weak, lazy and unwilling to do. It's tough. When we accept this fact, perhaps we'll stop dreaming and wishing; and work hard to develop the bones we need for the job. It takes endless hours of practice, and thinking to become successful.

Although, there's a little thing that tends to make it easier, and it's called passion. If you're passionate about something, you do that thing with all of your heart. Your passion doesn't make it any less difficult, it just gives you the inner strength to keep taking the pain that comes with the work, because deep down you love what you're doing.

Image source - Pexels

It's very similar to falling in love with somebody. You love a person doesn't make that person perfect, it just gives you the inner strength to stand their errors and flaws. You'll take unpleasant things from them, that you will never take from any other person. Simply because you love them. It's the same with the business or work you choose to do. If you love it, it's still going to be tough to keep up. But that love gives you that added strength.

Therefore, it takes a lot of love for what you're doing to be really successful at it. The reason why many people are unsuccessful is because they haven't really found something they truly love doing and are willing to do what it takes to make that thing a success. If you love your work so much that if you give up, you can't mentally picture yourself doing anything else better, then it will be hard for you to throw in the towel. You'll do whatever it takes to make it a success, because you have no place else to turn to. And that's how you become successful at it.

Thanks for reading!

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