I took some pictures some days ago and I decided to tag it: ‘’Stay happy it is free’’ then while thinking about what to write today, the reflection of how unhappy people have made themselves came to my mind. These are truly trying times and the pandemic has seriously affected a lot of things but that should not cause our unhappiness.
I had written about how the pandemic has affected my business some days ago and I personally believe that the pandemic has affected more business owners to employees but I do not just know how to carry a long face (irrespective of what I am going through) and because I am always smiling, people often believe that I have everything going perfectly well for me.
Some weeks ago, one of my customer who got laid off as a result of the pandemic was called back to work, I was happy for him because that is good news and that means he will be back on pay roll after four months of not receiving salary and I was surprised because he was still lamenting over the four months he had to stay without receiving any pay check. I reminded him about those who have been sacked from their places of work completely without the hope of ever being called back and even those who had died as a result of the virus, in two weeks’ time he was going to receive his salary so I saw no reason for his unhappy state.
He said to me, but you have your business that is the reason why it is easy for you to say. I decided to tell him how much I lost as a result of the compulsory lockdown and how much debt I still have to pay, he was surprised and asked me how I managed to still stay with a smile on my face.
My Secret.
I use to be someone who will wear her situation on her face but I meet my best friend (who can be annoyingly carefree), no matter what he is going through he will never utter a negative statement and will never wear his countenance on his face. According to him, people will be happy when thy find out you are not doing well in your business and life in general but none of them is willing to help you out of the situation. Happiness on its own gives you good health and it attracts good things to you.
The truth is, we all desire great and big things and because we do not have those big things yet, we fail to appreciate the little things we have. I hope you make a decision to stay happy today and together we will become better, thanks for reading I am @oluwatobiloba.
Pictures were taken with my mobile phone.
Yea... seems like everyone wants to be so down these days!
Posted Using LeoFinance
But we need all the strength we need to keep ourselves motivated.
Hello dear friend @oluwatobiloba what a nice publication, very inspiring, it's good to meet our colleagues from @project.hope hehehe see their faces. The pandemic has made many people lose hope as everything has become more difficult, but as you say we always have to have a good attitude towards life and the situations we go through. That's what it's all about... There is no evil that lasts 100 years.
Certainly we will overcome, thanks for the lovely comment.
How nice to read posts like these so motivating, I think you have to be happy whenever you can, and you look very happy that's good. Thank you for sharing, cheers.
Thanks a lot of reading @carlos 84.
let me tell you the truth, i am too distracted to read this post. the pictures are just too fine. i must tell you, your happiness is contagious. You are too fine ma..
People need to learn how to count their blessings and they will definitely be happy.. the act of counting their blessings is a habit people have failed to develop... Nice post
enjoy your sunday, you have made me happy already. keep being beautiful dear
Thanks a lot dear @bhoa, I am glad I was able to make you happy. Have a fruitful week ahead.
Same to you dear
And you didn't ask for her number? 😅