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RE: Gender equality and Blockchain

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Thanks for the post.

This is an interesting example of the use of blockchain technology to deal with social problems and seek to gather information that allows acting to try to solve it and improve people's lives.

What gives me a bit of concern is that the technology gap will affect the possibility of communicating the conditions of abuse, in the areas of the third world where the availability of smartphones and devices that could be used to report, as it is where one hears that situations of abuse are very frequent, whether based on gender, religious beliefs, ideologies and many other reasons.

 5 years ago  

Some time ago we discussed with a colleague in the comments of a post that in previous times we had to consider the existence of "economic gaps" and "social gaps" in social policies, but now we must add the "technology gap" of In fact, the first two that we mention are today based on the third, that is, the difference in the opportunity for access and use of new technologies is creating social and economic gaps that segregate people.