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RE: Loss-Free Excitonic Quantum Battery and How it Affects Humans

in Project HOPE5 years ago

It sounds very attractive, but I remember that in our current world "programmed obsoleteness" is a reality, the products are created to fail at a prescribed time and force the user to buy a new one.

So releasing a battery in the market that does not lose its useful life so quickly is something that does not fit, it would have to be sold at a price that would make it a luxury object and only used by the elite or simply leave it as a prototype and say that It does not work, in order to discourage innovators who may threaten the profits and dominance of existing companies in the market.


You just nailed a point. The fact that the battery might be bought just once or twice in a person's lifetime might make it a luxurious item.

 5 years ago  

you nailed it

 5 years ago