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RE: Commercial space travelling; The Next Biggest Sector in the Transportation Industry

in Project HOPE5 years ago

I don't know if space tourism would help the development of ecological awareness, but I would like it to. The idea of ​​traveling and colonizing other planets is not bad, but I don't think we still have the technology to make it viable today, it may develop in a few years, but I don't know anything about that future.

I think that if it is possible to travel and colonize other planets, we would have to face new territorial problems, it is like the mess that occurred with the ownership of the Moon during the time of the Space Race, they had to declare that no country or power could claim right of ownership over the territory of the Moon, but that would not be attractive to pioneers who decided to establish themselves, after all, the right to own the land where you live is something that I could not deny anyone.

In the longer term, we could consider another problem, I think that the Earth, as the main planet, would never let the colonies develop to the point of becoming independent, so we would be facing a new edition of the Era of Colonization ... What In the long run it will take us to Wars for Independence and the Right to Self-Determination of Peoples and Freedom.