The arrival of the CoronaVirus has modified our daily lives, in principle the television, press, radio and Internet news outlined everything that was happening in China, the eyes of the entire world fell on the Asian country in January 2020, and each one of them their The country was praying that the virus did not cross the border of its country.
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I would like to know who created this fake "project-hope" account?
This is absolutely wrong.
Regards, Piotr
Hello friends here @fucho80.
As you may have noticed, they copied a publication I made some time and published it in this false account.
I just got up in Venezuela and I realize what is happening, for me it is something really reprehensible and condemnable that something like this is done, I do not know the intention behind this account and I am not responsible for this.
@crypto.piotr and the team know all my effort for and thanks for this project, they know that I would not do anything that would harm our reputation and the progress of the project since I have been transparent in everything we have done.
@crypto.piotr knows that every movement that I am going to make and that involves Project HOPE I consult with him before and I do nothing without his consent, I am committed to this project.
Many times I have written regarding this, the place where I was when I met @crypto.piotr and what this project did for me.
Friends, we have to investigate and apply the necessary corrective.
Brother @fucho80:
I am totally convinced that none of us would ever think that this publication was made by you.
You are part of the core team of Project Hope and you have our total confidence.
A hug!
It's an abuse to have created this account. I don't understand the purpose.
Epa chamo o chama! Que pasó? Quieres ganar dinero a cuesta de otras personas? Por eso es que estamos como estamos! Despues te quejas porque los venezolanos somos repudiados...
Lo que me das es pena ajena! Que verguenza. Este proyecto es para ayudar a mucha gente, no para sacarle real a la gente... Que verguenza la tuya...
This is a fake account that is plagiarizing a large account from a recognized community. It is hanging on the good reputation of that community to take advantage of it. This is plagiarism and identity theft.
Downvoted, stop being a bitch.
Wow! @project-hope you´re pure and real Shi...!!!