This is an official Project.hope statement / request. And it should be treated as such.
Recently our PH community has been a subject to criticizm by user named @acidyo and many hurtful words has been said. Most of our members seem to be aware of current issue and we've recognized that many goes through different emotions. From fear to anger.
We would like to request all PH community members to continue staying calm, polite and mature. Please, do not escalate this conflict with any unnecessary and provocative comments or downvotes in retalation.
Currently few of our leaders are working hard on resolving current conflict in peaceful manners. Open talk has been taking place on our PH discord server and GuiltyParties reached out to us in attempt to mediate. We surely appreciate time and energy of person who is behind this account.
We recognize origin of this unpleasent situation as a private conflict between @acidyo and PH co-founder @crypto.piotr and we REQUEST that our members would not be dragged into this one-sided war and targetted for their association with Piotr.
Allow us to repeat our request:
if any PH member would plan to engage in comments with those who downvote our content - please remember to avoid adding another confrontations. Stay respectful, mature and polite.
Regards, @project.hope team
Signed by PH core community leaders:
Nice self-vote! So much
contentpower here. lolIf you view the beneficiary, you'll see 100% goes to @hbdstabilizer which will end up with HIVE purchased off the market and sent to the Hive DHF.
PH skirted by with overall less voting buying for a while, but now that it has trickled up to almost every post being 50%, attracting the attention of me and some others, I couldn't resist the comparison.
I just learned how to see the beneficiary. I didn't know we could view that on Thanks.
This is a form of vote selling and those using it can expect to have their rewards adjusted accordingly for the good of Hive. We all know who really benefits from this, whatever their stated intentions.
All rewards are subject to the whims of the community.
Let me say this:
I appreciate each person who's active on Hive! And while I can understand where acidyo & co. are coming from, this constant fight about the rewards pool is polarizing this community ever since I came here in August 2017.
Considering that we're in crypto, where people want to get the biggest gains and freedom via DeFi, NFTs, DOGE, etc - I find it quite sad that Hive is going into the exact opposite - high entry barriers: 13 weeks powerdown, at least 10 daily interactions (autovoting is a quick&dirty fix and delegation doesn't allow parallel powerdown) and stark limitations on what's "allowed".
The question ultimately is: why should people choose to park their money in HIVE if they could choose hundreds of other coins, where they aren't shamed about wanting to maximize their ROI/APY. Heck, even Steem is more lucrative right now.
Maybe the chart below also creates some idea of what people want.
They've given up curation and proof of brain for max ROI, we already tried that 2 years ago and it'll make them equally as common as any other PoS or DPoS coin. No one is entitled to farming post rewards. I agree we could come up with a solution to let stakeholders stake without having to delegate to curation but that doesn't mean they should receive max ROI without being involved in proof of brain - that's what makes Hive unique.
Did he seriously just do that?
Gotta try bringing it up any chance you get!
Oh look! A group of haters. Perfect opportunity...
...and he hates my sarcasm so I better shush. Just playin' Wolfie! woof woof!
Think it was a mix of that and this being a post that'll get a lot of views potentially!
Oh! Did I mention I'm an artist?!?!
So, how is that different from the old "whales" of Steem, now hive, that have all these power to vote, and usually vote on their own friends and "projects"?
What kills this place isn't smaller communities trying to play the same game old whales have been playing since day one of Steem...
What kills this place is the eternal hypocrisy of these whales, posing as "the guardians of Hive"
Probably cause piotr votes with his own account first:
and hey that's all fine, if you have trails and other accounts that follow you you're abiding by the rules of the blockchain (which will go linear in the next HF, though) and as a curator or curation project you may deserve those extra rewards for your hard work, curie has a big trail too, but trying to push your returns with this scheme, at the cost of authors and getting an edge over all other accounts on the blockchain this way by literally self-voting? Yeah, how about no.
Also we were talking about Steem's investors maximizing ROI by selling votes and vote-trading/sockpuppeting and there only being a few accounts actually curating with Steemit's stake so your comment is pretty unrelated in this reply.
I second you on that.
Did you seriously just do that?
Didn't know about the minimum 10 daily interactions. Is this a new rule? Any link how it works?
That's not the origin at all, the origin is your scheme and if anyone else did it I would call them out on it as well. Furthermore there are an endless amount of others who see it the same way, or are you saying they all have something against Piotr? Those are random folks who happened to see the posts as well without me having to tag them in the post.
You are one person I respected very well in this chain. As a good leader who wants the best for this chain I would love for you to listen to those trying to dialogue with you in one way or the other. The downvote on different authors post should be stop.
Please listen to the team and we all should try reach a common ground.
Hive is us and remember hive is unity. Together we conquer the challenges ahead and take the price of hive to a newer level.
They can stop the schemes that unfairly reflect the rest of Hive. I'm honestly surprised at this point in time how many of you are okay with this, it goes against blockchain ideology and removal of middlemen and having to place trust in them.
Why is there beneficiary reward in the first place? And since is like this I will suggest that there is a maximum beneficiary that can be set up. Just asking to know better
There's plenty of legitimate reasons to use the beneficiary rewards function, this is not one of them.
Ph-fund is a community account not of an individual and it is not the "ph-fund" that is asking for the beneficiary, we are the one who is setting it as beneficiary.
How come we can say it as self-vote if ph-fund is not even asking for it, we are setting it voluntarily.
Why do we ask people to "Power Up" and hold their "Hive"?
By doing this, we are not liquidating our funds and this shows our trust in the platform.
This is the same reason why we are setting up beneficiary, we trust our ph community and want to contribute some percentage
of our funds towards the growth of the community and its future endeavours.
Why are people not voluntarily donating to it part of their rewards after posts pay out?
You're holding them ransom with the unwritten rule that they'll get the votes if they set your account as beneficiary, technically self-voting for the "growth" of the account. A quick look at the voting reflects that they mainly look for posts with the beneficiary to vote on.
Not even gonna get into the selfishness of growing the account and the amount of rewards it'll need in the future to maintain that growth along with you hoping many delegators will just be too lazy to remove the delegations if the returns that are unfair to begin with. It'd be one thing to promise delegators more rewards if that came from your own pocket, that would show actual care for the community's growth but it's another thing having the community pay for them.
It's all just a wicked scheme and somehow you've tricked a whole community to fall for it, thankfully the rest of Hive aren't as easily tricked and can see your intentions and schemes and won't tolerate it.
Greetings @acidyo, as a member of the PH community and directly affected by this problem, I respectfully ask that while this problem is resolved please do not affect our publications with negative votes, because personally I consider that if I as a user do not object to place 50% of benefactor to PH because someone else has to do it for me, it is illogical and unfair that we are punished for something like this.
How about asking them to stop this scheme so you can go on being curated like usual for your content instead of the amount you give them back?
Excuse me, but how can I ask them to stop something that they are not forcing me to do and I am the one who decides to grant it.
My intention is not to generate more controversy nor much less to make this problem expand, for this reason if this comment generates discomfort I apologize.
Good bye.
Easy, if you don't give them half they won't vote on your posts most of the time.
At the same time they close the doors to new users, what kind of selfish community is that?
"My downvote means nothing personal about you or your post. You've done nothing wrong."greetings @acidyo, in one of the comments left on my article it is clearly specified by the user @pfunk
I understand the differences you may have with @crypto.piotr , but you should address them with him and not censor those who do nothing wrong, our accounts are small and we work to bring food to our families a negative vote hurts us, finally if we decided to be content creators on @project.hope , it is because of @crypto.piotr For us he is a great person with a human quality that you don't find everywhere.
It's not censorship and my issue with your leader has nothing to do with this, obviously it doesn't help as I know his intentions but it would be the same no matter who's behind this scheme.
It's fascinating watching the actual brainwashing take place and set in. The way this post is framed and the included disinformation. Then the enforcers step in to apply the disinformation:
So these other folks in the community who are directed to not speak to anyone, ask questions, or even think critically see this and think, "Oh it must be true. There's one my peers who I look up to struggling with this."
It's all one big show.
you are absolutely right "my problem with your leader has nothing to do with it", we have nothing to do with it but you are using your account to destroy the weaker ones who "have nothing to do with it", my question is if my account had 2000000 hp would you also try to censor it, you do this because you know we can't defend ourselves but by exposing our truth.
Any account attempting to cheat the EIP, proof of brain and our current fair curation I'd attempt to downvote as well, yes. Look at my posts from 2020 if you want to see proof of the retaliation I received doing exactly that after the EIP.
my question, where is the deception? you accuse me of receiving upvotes (as if that is a crime) and set up a theory based on the fact that I sold my article (without knowing the reasons for my support of the PH community) and then without verifying anything, you run a campaign against small accounts that cannot defend themselves, what you do my dear friend is called "censorship" your only purpose is to make the accounts that can't defend themselves afraid of you, I live in a country full of people with power who censor those who can't defend themselves and abuse their power that's why I understand very well people who say one thing but do another.
reflect on your actions and the consequences for those who have nothing to do with it, do not use us to try to harm the creator of the community because it only affects families with very difficult lives, for you it is a simple negative vote, for us it is the food for the day or medicine for a family member suffering from the virus.
"I repeat, we have nothing to do with your personal war, if you have something against the community, talk to its creator".
By setting your posts at some percent beneficiary to @ph-fund, you participated in the vote buying/self-voting scheme. So I exercised my stake in Hive to disagree with that allocation of the posting reward pool.
I would not downvote your posts otherwise. Just like this exploitive scheme wouldn't upvote your posts unless you pledged some % of the rewards to them, as can be seen by the posts that don't do that.
"By setting your posts at some percent beneficiary to @ph-fund, you participated in the vote buying/self-voting scheme."
if what you say is true, can you explain why this article that does not have the % set to ph, received positive votes (Master mind)
Which other vote buying/self-voting scheme will accuse me in this case?
what you do is called censorship and the only purpose is to harm the creator of the community because of a personal war you have, for you the small accounts are only means with which you hope to reach an end (that only you know), or at least that's what your actions show..
Finally, while you from the comfort of your homes hurt people who have nothing to do with your private wars, we will continue to stand firm in our support of the community, as doing so does not imply that we are breaking any rules. set a% of our articles for a user or a community. "We don't do it to get favours from anyone", we do it because we want to support that community or user.
It's no coincidence that post wasn't upvoted by PH accounts, because you didn't set it to pay 50% to ph-fund. That's the heart of the matter. I wouldn't have downvoted that post and I haven't been downvoting posts that aren't paying ph-fund a cut.
The rest of your comment is nonsense. Piotr is a crook but I didn't downvote the PH community's posts until I learned of this scheme. And I'm not trying to take the posts to zero either. As a stakeholder in Hive, you're welcome for the rewards you've been earning from the inflation of my own stake. I realize if you don't understand how Hive works, it's easy to be ungrateful. But the glass-half-empty attitude is not really the way to look at it.
"Endless"!!! Serious???
Wow man, your obsession is making you lose your sanity.
How many outside of your community who aren't in on this scheme are defending you?
They are not an "infinite" list, and at least, I know their names.
But you tell me about a huge number of complaints against PH, but you don't show me a single name (don't tell me that you must protect their identity, it's a folly).
I haven't said anything about complaints, I'm sure there are but that's not what drove me to disincentivize this scheme. Obviously it's not infinite, silly, it's a figure of speech. Now please stop this facade or I'm just going to assume you all are in on this and not just too ignorant to know the difference.
The levels of arrogance of certain people never cease to amaze me.
Let's see:
You start your sentence by saying: "Now please stop this facade or ..."
this sounds like a threat.
Then you say: "... not just too ignorant to know the difference ...."
this is a clear insult.
So if we review your "concern" about the "abuse" committed by PH, we will find a speech riddled with threats, hatred, and insults.
"Violence is the weapon of those who are not right"
I think I've been patient enough these past few days, I'm done now.
What's your opinion about posts upvoted by pH fund that's is plagiarised? You seem to be inept at sanctioning a user that have been caught plagiarising within your community. Even tipu is being use to compound those gains for ph fund.
On a daily basis, our anti-plagiarism team reviews the posts that are published within PH.
Sometimes we must silence many of these posts for various reasons, including plagiarism.
Perhaps you could enlighten us with your vast wisdom to do our work better and thus stop being inept.
Lacks interaction from the comment section, basically a profile that talks about a topic they have no mastery, content churned out spells that they just copy snippets off the Internet.
This isn't an isolated case. Not that you are responsible to what your community members does all the time but showing you are capable of sanctioning users that do crap on your turf shows effective moderation.
There have been responses on the post and @crypto.piotr can't seem to be bothered to comment on it even if his vote was in on it.
You're not curating for quality posts but using posts as a front to give people some pats in the back for trying their best. Which is fine in noble intentions but also a big slap to other creators on the platform that actually put in the work researching, having actual expertise on the subject and aren't giving generic content taken bits from Google searches.
I would drop some posts I find fitting the category but I already reached a threshold to how often I could be mean, for now anyway.
It is good to know that this matter is under discussion and hopefully it will have fruitful results.
I confirm reading this post and had a good chuckle.
liespost. I spent enough time trying my best to talk with you folks peacefully.I confirm reading and would like to rat out @juanmolina for coming and offering insults which can be found in the links you've provided. I thought they were funny, but still. It goes against yourThe reason you ask your members to not speak to anyone is because that's what cults do when outsiders come in. You require absolute control over their minds.
The reason you ask them to confirm reading by all chanting the same thing is because that's what cults do. The reason you take their money is because that's what cults do.
I confirm the bs in this.
I confirm reading this content.
My God, dear Jesus Christ, please show these good people that this community only seeks to help and is the sustenance of my family.
May God bless you and others actively making a difference (for the better). These are rough waters as Steem and Hive prices attract users from traditional social media.

Why can't these people spend time on real scams and plagiarism instead of real communities. Let's hope this will get resolved fast.
They do, have you not seen the posts being downvoted by ocd? You also got some members caught plagiarising and unsanctioned by the community.
I confirm reading this content.
My support to the projecthope community, from whom I have received fair treatment for my work and we are listened to and considered, enough of attacks, it is time for mediation, thank you.
Greetings my dear friends, I am glad that dialogue is being reached, because communication is the best weapon to solve any difference that exists, I have seen with much concern during the week as they have received some fellow negative votes in their publications, today as regularly I will publish my original content taking into account that I will receive some negative vote, but as a writer who has been on the platform for some time I feel that I am not failing anyone, I have always been respectful in any scenario where I am, the main reason why I left my 50% of the reward is because I have seen how many Venezuelan colleagues have been helped to cover medicines and certain needs. I also write content on agricultural sciences for other communities I know that there are great people and a lot of talent in different areas, that is why I believe that soon we will reach a great dialogue that will strengthen the platform.
So long, God bless you and remember that together we are more and we can continue to strengthen this great platform, which from my point of view has a great future.
I acknowledge reading this post. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.
I am highly hopeful that issue must be solved peacefully.
I confirm reading this content.
I hope things get better..
Thank you for the efforts to create, develop and defend our community. I hope that the problem will be solved in a way that pleases both sides.
Greetings, we hope this situation will be resolved in the best way.
Thank you @project.hope , @crypto.piotr and our projecthope team for everything you are doing to move the community and the members forward. We will all overcome every challenges. Just like we were advices. I promise to stay calm.
I have good faith that a resolution will be found soon between both parties.
I confirm reading this post, hope PH members stay clam in this short time as the matter is been resolved.
We hope situation will be better and solved.
Its unfortunate, that PH community members are dragged into this. Hope is left to thrive peacefully, we all stand by the community that has been supporting so many people - authors, venezuleans etc.
Let's prepare some popcorn :)
I confirm reading and understanding this. I believe that with maturity and politeness, this issue will be resolved peacefully.
I acknowledge reading this post and hope this issue gets resolved as soon as possible
I confirm reading this content.
I confirm reading this content.
Positive vibes only.
We are building something big here, and nothing will stop us. Good job team!
Good to know that discussion is going on and I hope it all gets sorted out soon. We all want to hive to get a better place for everyone. lets work together.
Confirm reading this, and hopefully, both of you will reach an agreement or find a solution to this conflict, you both started way too back in Hive and that's enough to know you both are smart enough to solve this with both sides are happy, peace.
I confirm the reading. I hope a prompt solution to this conflict. Blessings to all.
It is very important to establish a dialogue, this is the only way to resolve conflicts, I hope that differences are resolved in a respectful way and we can make Hive the best place for everyone.
Confirmed read.
Hope that Hive and PH can grow, becoming better out of this. Let not efforts be in vain. Godspeed.
I confirm reading this content.
I am confident that all parties involved will reach a consensus that will give a solution to the conflict, I believe that having an effective communication we can solve all the differences we have, the main idea has to be to lower the levels of conflict and establish the parameters that will help us to solve the problem.
Greetings to all and with the faith that everything will be solved.
I confirm reading. @project.hope is the best!!!
I confirm going through this content and will comply with you. We support @project.hope and it's superb beneficiary initiatives.
I confirm that I have read this publication.
I hope a solution is coming and all parties can reconcile.
Users should not must be damaged by these conflicts and I have HOPE that downvotes stop for who participate in this community.
I confirm the reading of this content, I hope this situation can be resolved very soon as it affects us all with so much hostility. In my case I support PH in all its actions because I believe they are for the benefit of all its members.
Lol, well, it's not always what we think it is.
Greetings to all my dear friends, in our lives we will always have differences with each other, however, the important thing is to keep in mind that we are able to communicate as thinking beings and resolve these differences, in the dialogue is the path to peace, without power differences, then, let's use this wonderful tool and everything will be solved.
The last thing Hive chain needs at the moment would be a toxic fight between its members.
I hope this hate wave towards the ProjectHope community will stop soon and I'm sure that @crypto.piotr and Mr. @acidyo are able to end this unpleasant situation in a wise and mature manner.
No hate at all, getting pretty frustrating they're ignoring to see what's wrong with this scheme. Time will help.
Problem is that toxic fights have plagued the Hive chain ever since the fork. The founders brought a toxic fight over from Steem instead of making a clean new start.
And no, punishing users for their witness votes is not a clean new start. Especially not if a buggy script punishes a few innocent users on top.
Compare that with Blurter which a few month later did make a clean new start. Far less infighting there.
I confirm that I've read this post.
I will never engage in such act though but I just hope this misunderstanding or dispute is settled between both parties.
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕♥️
Either way it's phrased, it screams 'farming'.
How come this statement doesn’t say anything about the core issue of asking authors to set 50% beneficiaries to PH?
What is your position or view on that?
Because this group is full of crap. It's all a ruse.
LOL! This group's lies are rude.
Good morning, I confirm my reading. I hope they find a prompt solution as no doubt we are all being affected and this strongly harms the community.
I confirm reading this content. I have seen the project that helps many and the participants are receiving mutual benefits @project.hope